Ban appeal for minigames


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal Ban appeal for minigames

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Beijimon 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #107253 Score: 0


    Well ye i got banned
    so my in game name is jerome43926
    who banned u i dont know
    Why where u banned Hacking
    When where u banned today 20/05/2015
    Why should we unban you well you should unban me because i dont hack im legit you can ask Arik 88Green1 and beastadragon and Mr_Tito361 i showed them everything if a mod would like me to show them i would be happy to prove i dont hack on skype
    dont worry i will share scream and i promise i dont hack ask anyone who i know and mostly beast ebcause he saw my App thing and he saw no hacks so did mr_tito361 Thanks and please stop banning me for stuff i dont do

    #107255 Score: 0


    Btw Begi Banned me for nothing and Punching someone with a gun to knockthem back and then shooting them with it doesnt mean i hack #Thismodsanoob no offence 😛

    #107258 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Jerome that’s not really a nice thing to say

    I also do not think that Jerome hacks it can be just skills… But I am very sure beij will not ban with 100% proof you’re hacking, if other mods such as wave and own are there then you are most likely hacking because both wave and own are good at catching hackers (also some other mods :p)

    #107269 Score: 0


    Can the person who banned jerome explain why he’s banned?

    Which “hacks” was he using?

    #107270 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I have talked to him in Cr. And he said that Beij banned him for nothing? He said that he was hitting someone with his hand and someone called him a Hacker and then bam! Banned. I was not there when this went down. So I don’t know the full story.

    #107272 Score: 0


    lol.. they ban pros on minigames.. and btw waveware isnt a good catcher.. he was calling me a hacker.. for nothing even watch the video i posted on youtube he was like “hacker” and zko was like who is and he said “.sko :/” mods sometime ban people when they get rekt.. or jealouse .. most of minigames mods are not good

    #107277 Score: 0


    Ye and why tf did i get banned for hacks and he didnt even say what hacks and if own banned someone for hacking its 99% sure he hacked and why would i buy donor if i know il be banned for hacks thats the thing he sshould see because a hacker would be waisting his money to buy donor when he knows he will be banned andddddd im legit and why would i get my own server if i hacked it doesnt add up beji get proof when u catch hackers or find someone u think hacks because im pissed off

    #107281 Score: 0


    @jerome43926 You were temp banned by console for “hacks”.

    #107312 Score: 0

    4 pts

    Yeah…I don’t ban people without a reason, so I don’t know why you thought it was me if console kicked you.


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