Ban appeal for minigames


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal Ban appeal for minigames

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Own7ge 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #110210 Score: 0


    Name : Timothy
    Who banned me : Ownage
    Reason for ban : “Using Kill Aura in kitpvp”
    Time of ban : 10 June 2015
    Reason for unban : I believe that this was a mistake, I was fighting yaseen20 face to face with another mod watching me. The actual reason why I was deemed to have cheats was that I was using my new kit gladiator II (Highest attack kit), and 2 or 3 shots can kill a player depending on armor. Thus was the actual reason why I can attack and kill quickly. Besides that, I have no mods downloaded on my launcher. If I actually had kill aura I would not have used it in front of a mod, and I would be able to kill players easily with just a basic knight I kit, or in survival games. Lastly, no players, except for the mods, accused me of cheating.
    Im am an active player in minigames, and I hope that this appeal would be considered.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by  Timothy.
    #110228 Score: 0


    3 Mods were spectating you, you were twitching your head a bit from what I saw. You were also hitting from behind. Although this is your first offense. Unbanned

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