Ban appeal for my IP


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal Ban appeal for my IP

This topic contains 12 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #107489 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: This is for my IP: Kamigole
    When were you banned: IT was week ago
    Why were you banned: In FACTIONS server
    Who banned you:Chinoe
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: We should be unbanned coz were just affected of it and also we just play in Computer shops.

    #107490 Score: 0

    Vote Down
    -first of all , Swearing on a mod is Unacceptable
    -Lying is Not gonna help ya , ik thats swearing Results to Warn , and if it Continues , it will result to a Mute , and i think if it continues in /msg or /r it will result to a Ban .
    -and wait , you said You Guys Play In Computer shops ? , dude stop lying , tatorch said thats you Live with him , so this is another lie
    lie covers a lie lol :/ , i think , tatorch is elop (my openion)

    #107501 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Bypassing much?

    #107522 Score: 0

    12 pts

    You know. Just to save more time you could have did this in your last topic.

    #107524 Score: 0


    @88green2 Lotsa’ people here in the Philippines play in Internet cafes. Most of the EC players here are too (but not me). Only a few people have private PC’s here. tatorch might live with him but he goes to internet cafes. What if tatorch is elop’s brother.
    -Just trying to help a fellow Filipino

    #107546 Score: 0

    1 pt

    88green1 from what day you can vote on ban appeals?

    #107764 Score: 0


    igra, people can always vote on ban appeals. They can put opinions that can help in the mods’ decision.

    #107774 Score: 0


    I agree with DemacianCrafter, most Filipinos are playing Minecraft (and most other games) at internet cafès because lets face it, no one wants to play games alone and one of the best places to play Minecraft with friends is in internet cafès
    May the force fork be with you

    #107775 Score: 0


    Yea, Lots of People always play on internat cafès here in PH. Sometimes they just go there to play games like LoL, AOT And many more. They can sometimes play MC Together

    #108407 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: This is for my IP: (
    When were you banned: two months ago
    Why were you banned: They say that I used hack in factions
    Who banned you:whiterplaymc
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: because I never use any kind of hack, just play well and that’s why he thought I was a hacker’s I indicated to put .legit and not put in fear that aga me something bad,

    #108827 Score: 0


    plz whiter ddesban my ip plase

    #109761 Score: 0


    Inside the game: This is my IP:
    When was forbidden: two months
    Why you were not: They say they used trick factions
    Who you banned: Nose for whom truth
    Why do you think I should be unbanned: because I never use any type of cut, just play well and that’s why he thought I was a hacker who indicated .legit put and not put the fear of me aga something bad,

    #115704 Score: 0

    7 pts


    isajo9, please create a different topic.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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