Ban Appeal For ProDoesMC


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal For ProDoesMC

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ali 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #88226 Score: 0

    5 pts

    This Ban appeal Is Based On what Pro’s Friend Sisiro Told me
    In Game Name: ProDoesMC
    Why Where U Banned: Swearing At A Mod (ZzNabelaA)
    Who Banned You: Xavier3479
    When Were U banned: I dont Remember, It been more than 2 months
    Why Should You Be UnBanned: Because i Think I should Get another chance, Im sorry if i did anything wrong and i wont Do it again. I Really Miss EC Survival, And I want to play with my Friends again. I realize i made a mistake But im Sorry, Im Sorry And i Wont Do It again.

    #88232 Score: 0


    Why Where U Banned: Swearing At A Mod (ZzNabelaA)

    I don’t think so >_>

    #88233 Score: 0

    5 pts

    “This ban Appeal is based on What pro’s Friend Sisiro Told me”
    Is That really hard TO read? i mean like i Wrote it on top of the post ._.

    #88237 Score: 0

    41 pts

    ProDoesMC was banned for Bypassing the ban of his _friky_ account, which was banned for Advertising.
    He’d spammed the forums with ‘ban appeals’, that’d just have the link to the ban appeal in it.
    He’d been told multiple times to follow the Ban Appeal Template properly, yet failed to do as such, thus causing him to get blocked on the forums.

    Now, I’m not sure as to whether they swore at ZznabelaA or not, but ProDoesMC was, as I said before, banned for Bypassing.
    Sisiro lied, or ProDoesMC lied to Sisiro; Their reasoning for lying, shall remain unknown until they admit their reasoning for doing as such.

    I personally don’t think they should get another chance, because quite frankly, they’d said they would pay a lot of money to someone to hack PirateCrazyzz, and they even lied after getting banned saying that they didn’t advertise a server (which I had proof of, at the time.).
    Also, I banned ProDoesMC, but (I think) Hablaman1 banned their _friky_ account originally.

    #88460 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Ok soooo what? i have to make another ban appeal?

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