Ban appeal for saif33


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal for saif33

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #72120 Score: 0


    Name (ingame) : saif33
    Reason : anti knockback
    Server : Survival
    Who banned : skills641
    WHY i have to be unbanned : i didnt use knockback and he use hand to hit me he has to do by knockback sword and that isnt enough to be a reason to ban and i was using pub pc on another place soo i cant download anything of cielnt or mods or anything and you can ask alipvp and Saboor where i was that sense ( i dont use hacks i swear ) and please try to find another reason to be a hacker and no one replied on datbaca admitting hacks…

    #72124 Score: 0

    16 pts

    If this is your first ban appeal, you will most likely be unbanned, but do not use hacks again. OR, were you just standing still, not replying at all, or anything such as above, I believe you were crashing. Crashing makes you unresponsive to anything in the server, you could see yourself from an alt, but when hit you wouldn’t move, look at you, attack back, anything. You’d just stand still.

    If you were not, and you were fighting back, shooting arrows, twitching your head, of course you had hacks. I heard DatBacca was taking a video, so yeah…

    #72145 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hands also have knockback. Clearly guilty after being hit 5 times repeatedly.

    first offense, punishment changed to 24 hour ban.

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