Ban Appeal for "Wither" Forums


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal for "Wither" Forums

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  xXwitherXx 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14098 Score: 0


    First of all, i wanted to contact TrollFest a doner a long time ago but NEVER saw him online at all. He told me before he left survival server that he won’t play at survival at all these days and only play tekkit. This event occur around 4-5 months ago. Now i want to contact him on skype or on the forums and it is sort of important…..

    First i made a forum to see if troll fest is still around or not. I didn’t really mean to spam there but i was on my phone and i just added more descriptions about him and stuff. The player Money something told me that he saw TrollFest online at the Tekkit Server and i decided to tell him that to respond back on the server. So the next day after that which is today, i saw TrollFest Online…. This is a very special day for me to finally talk to him….. As i was thinking, i thought that he was searching for the forums that i made for him to respond, so i decided to make another one so it was clear to him and he could join. But as time passed, he didn’t respond and i was worried. I really wanted to see him and this was one of my opportunity as of right now. I just wanted him to respond and didn’t mean to spam on the forums….. I do give my appolige to all the mods that notice this issue especially  Borncorp, Nhu and Shaman97. I am Very sorry for spamming in the forums, and i learned my lesson…. I do take this apology serious to you guys and i hope you guys would do the same as well and i hope that i would get another chance. I really didn’t mean to spam but i just want to contact TrollFest and i had no information about him expect he plays tekkit and he was just a doner. I was expecting to finally meet him and discuss some things with him and not to spam the forums. This is my sincerely apology to all the mods that notice my spamming and affected the members as well and also the website as well. I am very sorry and i hope that i would get a second chance.


    – xXwitherXx or Wither (P.S. I am very sorry for this mistaken issue)

    #14118 Score: 0


    I think that is fair enough, maybe do something about the situation differently. I think that you deserve to come back.

    Best of luck,

    -TrialMod Toblerone007

    #14120 Score: 0


    The problem is you make a topic requesting him to contact you, if he saw it, he would have contact you, infact i have his Skype, if you would like to contact him, add me in Skype, Zac9797 or I can get him to contact you.




    #14124 Score: 0


    Although wither you are one of my many friends, i will be tough on you about this because it has really annoyed me. you consistently spam your own Topics and as zac9797 said ‘if trollfest wanted to get in touch with you, he would have done so’. i also post on the forum alot but i do it on more than just one topic and i try and help out the ec community as much as i can. You do deserver to come back as it was unfair that shaman banned you without warning you about it (no offence shaman) but i highly reccommend you slow down on the forum and play some actual minecraft


    #14152 Score: 0


    okay, he doesn’t know my skype at all and we didn’t know how to contact each other. I would still like this skype and discuss it with him. Sorry Guys. Trollfest didn’t know anything about this and I and i repeat “I” wanted to talk to him, so he knows nothing about this so i need to inform Trollfest not the other way around.

    -wither (P.s. can shaman please see this i am very sorry )

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