Ban appeal: fsxubber


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal: fsxubber

This topic contains 22 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  jttt3 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #62306 Score: 0


    In-game name: fsxubber
    Why you have been banned: dont know
    Where you are banned:Survival
    Who banned you: skill
    Why you should be unbanned: I need to be unbanned because someone banned me for no reason.

    #62309 Score: 0


    you were banned for falsely accusing still for disrespecting you. that is really serious for trying to frame someone who is innocent and you still don’t realise your wrong
    maybe provide a explanation for why you faked your evidence and framed still?

    #62310 Score: 0


    Vote Down!You cause harm to me by framing me ( false accusation) and who knows you can frame other members,Mods in the future

    #62313 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    #62316 Score: 0


    i did this because at school still challenged me for getting me banned and i did the same but i went too far with it i faked the screenshot so that he will be banned but the unexpected happened

    #62317 Score: 0


    and still dont reply that you didnt this time im serious im not lying

    #62318 Score: 0


    can you unban me now skill please i want to play on server badly you see i even donated give me one more chance promise this will not be repeated

    #62322 Score: 0


    You are lying fsxubber!You said you will get me ban today and i asked you how and you said you will see

    #62328 Score: 0


    False accusing isnt something that is taken lightly. When you frame someone, it results in them getting punished and nothing being done to the original framer. Well, you were found out here. So why not provide a real explanation for why you did this?

    #62329 Score: 0


    Oh really ?? You wanted to ban a school mate ?? Not the point but in Both stories You sais that you’ll get him banned but it did not work and you got what you deserved so …… What can i say other than Vote Down!! And P.S : Really ? You framed him JUST FOR A CHALLENGE (Only in your story

    #62330 Score: 0



    #62331 Score: 0

    @Still01 Come on, show some forgiveness D:
    @dr4gon1234 Clarify, why did you vote down?
    @fsxubber Spamming the forums won’t do any help, nor will donating.
    @Still01 @dr4gon1234 By the way, since when did members have the ability to vote on appeals?

    I think you should be temp-banned for a week or so, since what you did is a REALLY big no-no, and it should not be taken lightly. I mean, shopping a god damn picture, and framing someone for swearing? Why would you do that? That’s like one of the most dishonest thing anybody can do.

    #62341 Score: 0


    Richard ,Its not the first time,1 day he even lure me pretending that he wants me to see his cacti farm if its good
    But infact he killed me with his G’Sword there.Imagine how lucky he was at that time,he got no lurer tag

    #62347 Score: 0


    Agree! And he always want to do something bad for stll or my town ( Still Town)

    #62351 Score: 0


    you do not leave me the choice to say its revenge!!!

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