Ban Appeal (I actually didn't do anything :3)


Home Forums Creative Ban Appeal Ban Appeal (I actually didn't do anything :3)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #30659 Score: 0


    As you know, the server stupidly crashes all the time :-/ unfortunately, after the server crashed and I went to login it said I had “flooded the server” and are banned because of this. I need this fixed in the next hour or I am gonna get real angry :c

    #30660 Score: 0


    This happens a lot just wait for a bit 😉

    #30661 Score: 0


    Well I got my solution, can a mod please close the topic after they unban me? Solution: ReconStrikeDelta
    (Saturday, Aug 31. 2013 06:26 PM)
    The flooding thing is a bug that results in players getting banned by accident. Mods should be able to help you when they get on.

    #30669 Score: 0

    23 pts


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