Ban appeal in advance


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal in advance

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Dicedead 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #31948 Score: 0


    Ign: wannapunch

    Wanna punch is my sub account which I created to help out Lucca with his pumpkin farm. Actually I was just planning to show him how to build it but he offered quite a sum to pay me to build for him and I said ok. So I begin build the first layer and found out that i made a mistake because I placed the pistons beside the stem so when it activates, the piston would push the stem instead. So I removed them and placed them in the right position. I continued building the pumpkin farm upwards for a couple of days and decided to ask Lucca not to pay me cause I wanted to build only in my free time. I used some of my own resources just as redstone torches, dirt, hopper and cobble (hard for me cause I only went mining 3-4 times. Today im being suspected of griefing Lucca’s farm because the bottom layer of pistons were broken by me. It wa broken 10days ago when me an Lucca started the pumpkin farm. If it was griefed that long ago, wouldn’t Lucca had found out by then? I did many checks for Lucca on why his farm didn’t work. I even loaned him 250k which he promised to return double if I completed the farm. Well now I won’t be getting my 250k back anytime soon. But I don’t mind I just wanna clear my name.
    The real griefers are Wayne and marine or something like that.
    The other time I was banned for griefing was that I didn’t know I couldn’t grief near a town. But I obviously know that I cannot grief inside a town.
    So yea before u guys decide to ban me or anything, this is almost everything I done on that farm. I didn’t grief it at all

    #31953 Score: 0


    I think you shouln’t be banned,because lucca is usually knows as raider (better said lurer or scamer)

    #31958 Score: 0


    Hello there,

    Have been inactive for a while so i do not know the full story, but i did saw something about it in the mod chat. I will figure this out for you as this shoulndt happen.

    #31986 Score: 0


    Yea he shouldn’t get banned and when you said marine or something like that did you mean Moraine by any chance i think she was talked about in a other topic some time ago

    #32570 Score: 0


    Full In-Game name (With the right caps):mf570
    Who banned you:Sir BornCorp
    Why you were banned (or the message you get when you try and login):you have been banned from this server for Malarawr bypassing ban
    When you were banned (e.g yesterday, 1 hour ago, right now):Sept.8 3:10 PM
    Why you should be unbanned:Bcuz i love this server and im not deserved to be banned….
    Which server you’re banned from (e.g lobby, survival):Survival Server

    #32571 Score: 0


    Mf57000 make your own appeal. Don’t post your appeal on someone elses…

    #32573 Score: 0


    This is the kind of people who we most likely won’t unban.

    #32594 Score: 0

    3 pts


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