Ban Appeal jeremiass


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal jeremiass

This topic contains 17 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  RiverRunner600 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #110060 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: jeremiass,Demando
    When were you banned: 05/06/2015
    Why were you banned: Kill aura
    Who banned you: RiverRunner600
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: I admit I use hacks but I promise not to use more, I noticed it’s a trap and That is very bad, no good playing so. But one realizes this when he banned play.
    My life minecraft started on this server, never before habia played minecraft, friends invited me and I accepted, when I started to play only attracted me the pvp I kept doing things for pvp or to potions or to armor or was fighting.
    I am a player something old, Becomes very good at PvP, just that hackers started to fill up I was very upset and decided Also to be one of them, I’m not proud of being hacker because I lost so much my ability in pvp.
    I’m also somewhat angry with me but I promise to stop using hacks, will fight only with honest people without hacks.
    From here I ask apologies to murilo992010, It is that you do not use hacks so I promise I will refund all :) .
    That’s all hope it will. Please help :) and I am very sad and ashamed.
    Hacker promise I will not be anymore, please understand me.
    To do this use translator please if you do not understand something I try to change it since the translator does not put the exact words I put

    #110079 Score: 0


    Good luck jeremiass
    Hope to see you online again

    #110093 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah, outside of this, I’ve never seen you crossing the rules.

    #110094 Score: 0


    Wow, good admitting. I think he should be unbanned and given another chance. There are always 2nd chances to everyone. Remember that the Ribbon Project exists…

    Good Luck mate, hope to see you on the server again…

    #110145 Score: 0


    Thanks respect your answers :)

    #110146 Score: 0


    Melee not everyone gets a second chance

    #110153 Score: 0

    Einow 
    1 pt

    I wish good luck for you jere 😉 You’re a good person and when not use hack you’re one of the best in pvp :3

    #110172 Score: 0


    Jere still think you’re the best in pvp.
    You are very good always you help many people, I think you deserve a second chance. :D.

    #110186 Score: 0


    Please I hope the opinion of a moderator to see if I can be back in survival :)

    #110187 Score: 0


    Vote Down!
    -Bad Player
    -A lot of disrespect
    -New on the forums (because he’s banned)

    #110196 Score: 0

    1 pt

    May I remind you that there are no voting in a ban appeal…

    #110200 Score: 0


    Hello, Okay, I accept your apology! I think you have a good reason for unban!

    Good Luck!😀

    #110264 Score: 0


    Thank you very much! :)

    #110267 Score: 0


    I have had many memories with this account (jeremiass) never meant for this to come to a ban, now that I’m ban think that life is me … if you can, stand beside me and think how hard it is this for me :(. I would be back again on the server, now everything depends on you to let me be on the server back … Think about it and tell me I will be attentive to their responses and this is with great respect :)

    #110273 Score: 0

    20 pts

    mrawesome, this isn’t a mod app.. Also, we won’t deny this because he’s “new” to the forums ._.

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