Ban Appeal Guide


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal Ban Appeal Guide

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  deasertman 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    We have had some issues with people making ban appeals lately so here are some things about applying, to clear up some issues.

    1. Your Ban Appeal must follow this template ↓.
    If it doesn’t, we will assume you don’t care about your ban appeal, and it will be ignored.

    Full In-Game name (With the right caps):
    Who banned you:
    Why you were banned (or the message you get when you try and login):
    When you were banned (e.g yesterday, 1 hour ago, right now):
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Which server you’re banned from (e.g lobby, survival):

    2. You may only make maximum 2 Ban Appeals. If there is any more than 2 ban appeals, they will be ignored and you will not be unbanned. 

    3. Make your ban appeal english, and use good grammar and spelling. If you do not know the english language very well, though you are trying your best, this does not apply to you. If you do know the english language, yet you are typing in a bad way, your chances of being unbanned will decrease. Do not use l33t sp34k, and do not be sloppy while typing your appeal.

    A good way to attract more attention to your ban appeal is occasionally bumping it, or replying to it. If you do this too often, we will automatically decline your appeal for spam.

    Note: If you post (spam) your ban appeal on other un-related topics or in any EC related chat (Skype, website chat, In-game) your appeal will be denied and you will be banned from the website if necessary.

    – deasertman

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