Ban Appeal-This time folowed the template!


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appeal-This time folowed the template!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Pie 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #54561 Score: 0

    dan ionut

    In-game Name: fanatico7
    Why I was banned: I was banned for x-rayng
    Where I was banned: I was banned on the survival server!
    Why I shoud be unbanned: Well in the first place I’d want to apologize for breaking the rules and I want to tell you that I’d realy like to re-join the server just for fun.I do not own any town or nation like my friend MrDJTrash does I am just playng because I love the server.It is even better than TeamExtreme’s server,their server kinda sucks but this Server Is awesome And I tryed to look for the towny plugin that Borncorp is using and I could’t find it wich makes me believe that is made by him.Anywais I want to be unbanned just for playng for fun.If someone Will say “Playng For fun isn’t a reason” yes it is a good reason.Playng Minecraft on a server doesn’t means anything that fun. Thank you!

    #54562 Score: 0


    A few things:

    1: Towny isnt borns plugin

    2: Playing for fun IS NOT a good reason

    3: Advertising another server in your appeal? no.

    #54566 Score: 0


    Some of your reasons are questionable, but I get the message that you apologised for this mistake in your first sentence, and it is your first xray ban.

    Appeal Accepted.

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