Ban appeal unban for Christmas?


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban appeal unban for Christmas?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Skeletor 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89209 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: arnolelie
    When were you banned: 26 August of 2014
    Why were you banned: Kill Aura
    Who banned you: I dont know who banned me
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: Because I like the server, I enjoy playing in EternalCraft with my friends and when I got banned I felt very sad, I know I used Kill Aura and Know I ask for your pardon and I wanna continue playing in the server with my Friends

    #89211 Score: 0

    41 pts

    – You’d bypassed multiple times.
    – Lied/Pretended like you didn’t know who ‘arnolelie’ was on a few accounts that you’d used to bypass on.
    – Only recently one of your alternate accounts was banned.

    Honestly, if you really cared about the server, you wouldn’t have bypassed as much as you did, and you wouldn’t have really used hacks in the first place.
    You’d been told by Xavier (when he was still mod) that you’d ruined your chances, yet you’d continued to spam the forums with saying “unban”; You’d even commented on a few random/unrelated posts about how you want to be unbanned.
    This is definitely not your first chance, nor is it your first ban appeal.
    Xavier had said on your first ban appeal:

    #89227 Score: 0


    I can tell you, I really can’t image what I would do with MC if I had the words in bold letters “Denied” at the bottom. I would have to re-contemplate my entire life

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