Ban appeal -vishu101


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 9 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
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  • #116243 Score: 0

    10 pts

    Ingame Name: (vishu101)
    When were you banned: (7/26/2015)
    Why were you banned: (Hacking)
    Who banned you: (The New annoying plugin)
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: cause i have been playing for 3 years in total and never been banned for hacking if u dont belive me u can ask for my skype and ill show u my files that there is hack intended. Pls remove that plugin it also shows invis people where they are cause of those bats

    #116244 Score: 0

    10 pts

    Pls help i just found out of Chillz if u hit the bats u get banned so i might of hit them when i was pvping in the arena

    #116245 Score: 0


    Vishu, bats are evil. You can only get unbanned if you are kawaii enough. Am i kawaii enough?

    Dont mind me, really sleepy and my brain went crazy after the ban. This must be a part of glg and his bats’ plan. PLS HALP ME AND VISHU ADMON PLSSSSS

    #116246 Score: 0

    10 pts

    Exactly pls i think ur over 100% Kawaii but am i :c PLSSS help me and gimme OP

    #116247 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Lik dis if u cri eritiem

    #116249 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I think the bats should be removed. I don’t get how hitting a bat while pvping turns you into a hacker. I get that if you have kill aura, then you might hit the bats, but oh wait! Only mob aura kills both bats and players, not just plain kill aura for players.

    Also, ban forwarded.

    #116251 Score: 0

    20 pts

    It’s pretty obvious to me that the bats are a bad idea lols. To be honest, how does someone hitting a bat prove hacks? Some people, (totally not me included), hate the bats, and want to kill them to get rid of the annoying noise.


    #116252 Score: 0


    People who purposely hit those bats should be banned for continuing to trying to hit them and knowing the consequences.
    Isn’t this kinda like a bug?

    #116253 Score: 0

    1 pt

    My bats aren’t evil. They are just misunderstood

    #116266 Score: 0

    10 pts

    siver i didnt hit the hats i tried too hit the player who i was fighting jumped and i looked up tryed to hit him and the bats randomly come up… and therefor i get banned. so please dont say i tried to hit them purposely when i alrdy knowledged about hiting bats alrdy from chillz before i got banned.

    #116268 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Vishu101, you are unbanned. I am sorry for this inconvenience.
    Please contact me ingame when you see me.

    A small fix have been fixed.

    *the system is disabled until we fix it*

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  Wither.
    #116274 Score: 0


    Vishu, exactly. I hit him, but his bats saved him. Criticals are hard this way.

    #117872 Score: 0



    #121111 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Disabled. Unbanned. Fixed

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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