ban appeal zSlayerPvPz


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal ban appeal zSlayerPvPz

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #108836 Score: 0

    Ingame Name: zSlayerPvPz
    When were you banned: 1 Year
    Why were you banned: Use Mod’s illegals
    Who banned you: i don’t remember
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: WHy i confess use mod ReiMinmimap and i never use hacks.. my mods is amorstatus amoreffects and optifine


    #108893 Score: 0

    20 pts

    How many times do we have to say it? You’re most likely not getting unbanned due the the fact of creating false evidence

    #109348 Score: 0

    12 pts

    You’ve gave Mods false proof of your hacks. Hacks are really easy to remove.
    Like, if I asked you to skype call with me right now you would be like ” Okay, sure gimme a sec ” That sec can go into 2mins of time. That time is for you to remove you’r Hacks as fast as you can. Like that video you’ve gave us on your Last ban appeal it was only you pvpin one of your friends. Thats not saying you don’t have hacks. Yeah maybe you didn’t in that video, you may have re-added the hacks once more when you were done.

    As for Mods, yes the same thing as Hacks. I even think Mods are more faster to remove then hacks.

    ” WHy i confess use mod ReiMinmimap and i never use hacks.. my mods is amorstatus amoreffects and optifine ” This is why we’ve the forums here. They show us rules, commands, post’s, Donor walls, heck you name it and they have it. You also didn’t give more info about your Reiminmimap mod.

    #109356 Score: 0


    Armor status and armor effects are illegal, right?
    I mean there are only 3 mods that are allowed, namely: Optifine, Texture/Resource Packs and Shaders :)

    ~May the Force Forke be with you!~

    #109360 Score: 0


    Edit button disappeared so, sorry xD

    Here is the link: Legal and Illegal Mods

    #110716 Score: 0

    i’m 100% Legit lol

    #111252 Score: 0

    20 pts

    You were banned 4 months ago…

    #111544 Score: 0


    #111551 Score: 0

    20 pts

    This is not a joke, if you want to have any hope, take it seriously.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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