Ban Appel


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Appel

This topic contains 35 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Joey (jminer96) 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #16442 Score: 0


    I admit i did something wrong but the truth i thought it was ok cause of chu Nhu.

    #16443 Score: 0


    You used stacked armour to enchant multiple armour with only one enchanted armour. Stacked armour is not possible in plain minecraft, therefore you made the game unfair for others, and inflated the economy by then selling the ‘duped’ enchanted armour sets.

    #16448 Score: 0


    i enchanted 1 by 1 by going to ma….

    #16450 Score: 0


    That’s a damn lie. Skills confessed everything, about how you paid him to do it.

    #16466 Score: 0


    And another thing assassin, do not blame nhu for your own wrongdoing. its not her fault you arent up to date with the rules


    #16560 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    I think that we should put another rule on the rule wall. The rule should be no making the game unfair. So that basically covers everything since duplicating items aren’t fair to players that have to work hard for items and it covers hacking and grieving too because hacking (for example x-ray) would be making the game unfair because you see these people trying their hardest to get ores and when you’re using x-ray you basically see the items and know where to go and grieving isn’t fair to other players everywhere also since the person who has worked hard to make this great structure is gonna be upset because all that work was for nothing and if it was good people will miss its design creation a unfair reaction for both. That’s all I have to say.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)

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