Ban Bypassing + Swearing Report


Home Forums Creative Help! Something oopsd! Ban Bypassing + Swearing Report

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Dicedead 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #65978 Score: 0


    As anyways,i was in Cretive server when i see something in the chat(It was MiniGamer427 saying he was VixoOMG in another account,i could not take the screenshot in time,but you can check Chat Log,right?)then,i made him remember i told him a few time,to don’t break the rules,he sayed he didn’t broke any rule(In this case it was Ban Bypassing,for the 2nd time)then him and pandavova1,started to swear at me,i was just trying to calm them down and explain everything,but they raged more (they are two images)
    (don’t have any image editor software,so i couldn’t edit them with a red box or something,anyways just search for MiniGamer427 and pandavova1 in chat)

    #65979 Score: 0


    Just noticed a hint for you to find the things they said:
    in first image it’s the last one and in second one it’s the one above the last

    #65983 Score: 0

    16 pts

    If you got firefox, download nimbus screenshot add-on. Anyway, could you translate it for some mods? I mean most speak English ONLY. From what I can see, it seems he did some sort of a ban bypass.

    #65990 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Rogue, I understand spanish a bit. And anyways, we can use google translate 😛

    Hmm, Blaster, yes, we can check the chat log, but headmods aren’t very active in the CR. Anyways, it’s not a problem, we can check his IP and see 😉 For the message where he sweared, well, it doesn’t count since he bypassed already, lol.

    Thanks a lot for reporting, will be dealt with. :)

    ~Ding Dong {DD}

    EDIT: Oh, didn’t see pandavova1’s message at first. Will be dealt with too, yup. And yeah, you can use Rogue’s one, or one called “Snipping tool“. With it, you can take screenshots of the chat even when it’s too late, and you can edit your pics. 😉

    #66017 Score: 0


    Don’t trust google translate to give you an accurate answer.

    #66020 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Skipper Translate is here!
    First image: B**ch leave him alone.
    Second image: ABlastercat you are a son of a b**ch re(WTF) son of s b**ch.
    I think by the re he means double b**ch. Anyways hopenthis helped a little :3

    #66022 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Google translate isn’t that much bad, you just need to know how to use it 😉

    Bit late, skipps :3 Thx anyways 😛

    ~Digging Direction/em> {DD}

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