Ban Cooldude


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Cooldude

This topic contains 18 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Chibichuba 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #19421 Score: 0


    I am submitting a ban form for Cooldude as while i was walking around spawn, he was using invisiblility potions, and when i accidentally dropped my god dia sword i had finished, he ran in front and took it, thus breaking 3 of the rules, by 1.Griefing 2.Tricking 3/4.Doing all this in spawn which is clearly not allowed, and applies to all rules.

    please vote, as i spent over 2 days making it and i do not want any similar incident to happen to anyone else.

    Thanks, and please vote for this!


    #19423 Score: 0


    CatBasket, I told you many times in-game that this issue cannot be blamed on cooldude. He is not breaking any of the rules.

    1. He did not grief any part of his town or the spawn.

    2. He did not trick you at all. He did not make a deal with you or scam you in any way.

    3. This is only your fault, the blame is on you. It was you who was careless enough to drop your weapon in spawn, and cannot be blamed on anyone.

    If you don’t want any similar incident to happen, be very careful and cautious not to press the “Q” key on your keyboard. This is all I can help you with.

    #19424 Score: 0


    So your saying you NEVER drop your stuff accidentally ANYWHERE, and that it’s MY fault that a person i couldn’t see ran in front and stole my stuff violating 3 rules? do you even get what happened? What if this was u? and don’t answer “But it wasn’t” GIVE ME AN ANSWER.


    #19425 Score: 0


    And he DID do something wrong, he STOLE from me, you’re saying there’s nothing wrong with that?

    #19427 Score: 0


    Yes, You should never drop your stuff on the ground if you don’t want anyone to take it. It was your carelessness so don’t blame other about it.

    And if you could, please specify how he “stole” it from you

    #19428 Score: 0


    Uh huh, so he’s blameless now, seeing as he started this whole thing up?

    and tell me how taking it against my will WHILE INVISIBLE is not stealing, check up on your definitions some time.

    #19429 Score: 0


    Well, ask anyone that is not biased to you to see whether this is your fault or his fault. Him being invisible in spawn in not against the rules, and picking up other people’s items in spawn are also not against the rules. And I say this again, Don’t Blame Others For Your Own Carelessness.

    #19430 Score: 0


    Yeah, it kind of is against the rules, look at them too, 3 rules in fact, Try asking somebody that is not biased with Cooldude for an opinion, cos at the moment, ur not making any points, ur just repeating the same statements, and again, i refer to my past comments. READ THEM

    #19431 Score: 0


    How about you read my comments? I am repeating my points because you are not getting them into your head. Btw, I am not biased to anyone at all, so get your facts straight.

    I have no time to argue with you anymore, ask someone else to explain this to you.

    #19432 Score: 0


    I am getting my facts straight seeing as i was ACTUALLY THERE and not getting fed some bullshit story by Cooldude, i AM getting my facts into my head, they’re just white noise now, you’ve repeated them so many times in all of your comments, they got explained, See that comment 2 above this? Read it. do you know what that is? XD And you have plenty of time, you just have no more arguments.

    #19433 Score: 0


    He’s just overreacting because he lost his god sword. No big deal to quarrel. Just get Cooldude to pass it back, if he doesn’t want to then too bad.

    #19435 Score: 0


    Oh yeah. CatBasket, how did you know it was Cooldude. If he was invisible you would not be able to see him or his name tag at all. Cooldude isn’t a dumb person to announce to everyone that he picked up your sword. I assume you have some explanation to do. Anyways it’s your fault that you dropped your sword. Many people lost their stuff by invisible players but none of them was so anxious to ban them…

    #19436 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I vote this retarded thread DOWN! This is the most pathetic thing ever! xD

    #19442 Score: 0


    VOTE DOWN! i dont know how you hand would hit q really like that

    #19443 Score: 0


    What a pathetic idiot! Just beacause you lost your stupid god sword you want that person banned? LOLOLO XD

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