Ban reason get out or disrespect and I Learn my mistake and I won't do it againe


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban reason get out or disrespect and I Learn my mistake and I won't do it againe

This topic contains 10 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #30558 Score: 0


    My in game name is : zayed7. ( no caps )
    I was banned by skills641.
    Reason get out. And I think becuz I disrespect with desartman.
    Before yesterday I was banned.

    I should get unband cuz I only spam then I disrespect then desart say strike 2 then. I say I reported on u cuz u try to kill me when I say to u to not accept my tpa cuz i do it by worng and he accept try to let other people kill me in pvp then he takes my stuff.
    After I say that skills banned me reason get out reason get out ??!!?.

    I was banned in survival server

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  zayed7. Reason: Some of the word that I write was spelled wrong so I edite it to make I better so you ( the reader ) understand
    #30560 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I say I reported on u cuz u try to kill me when I say to u to not accept my tpa cuz i do it by worng and he accept try to let other people kill me in pvp then he takes my stuff.

    Alright, first of all, you know that happened like a month ago, you were right next to me in pvphill and you tpa-ed to me. Twice, and honestly I accepted because I was joking with you, and I ensured noone was there so you wouldn’t be killed, so don’t take this as a scumbag move. It’s honestly your fault if you have such a temper.

    Second of all, you never said anything about that when you were banned. All you did was disrespect some players, disrespect to me, and then threatening of reporting me and getting me demoted.

    Creating false info in your ban appeal won’t help, and don’t try lieing and saying that you did, because skills was there and he could approve what I said.

    Other than that, I would have to make up my mind completely and decide correctly depending on the feedback that is given here, though If the feedback is good I would say that I will vote up. Though if you are unbanned, we will be strict about you, and all the warnings you get. If you get at least 3 warnings just have in mind you’ll be permbanned again.


    Note: I’m not creating false information or anything just because you disrespect me or for any private/personal reasons, I’m just speaking the truth.

    #30624 Score: 0


    hi its evanoffman iv been ban for a year and iv learned my lesson please un ban me iv been so bored iv learned my lesson the reason im typing here is cuz my pc is laggin and wont let me make a ban form thing

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  deasertman.
    #30627 Score: 0


    Evanoffman10…make your own ban appeal

    #30638 Score: 0


    lol evanofman?

    #30639 Score: 0



    Zayed Shouldnt Be Un-Banned

    #30642 Score: 0

    7 pts

    “only”? Disrespecting is a major problem especially, disrespecting mods. It is unusual to harass mods because they punish you for what things you did that was wrong. Please don’t respect others also, “I won’t do it again” is a bad reason. I don’t think you should be unbanned because you broke some rules and you have/had a tag.

    Don’t expect mods to ignore you when you annoy them.

    #30647 Score: 0

    Welcome to EC, where the mods will ban you for a completely legit reason. Such as being an as*****.

    You have been harassing a mod, what do you expect…

    #30648 Score: 0


    C’mon give zayed another chance i mean come on seriously?!? only 1 warning of it -.- And i might not be as active cause he’s is having poor manangement ship in my opinion and been playing another awesome preimium server and i donated for it and it is PERMANTANT DONOR

    #30649 Score: 0


    Tied in with what Richard said I’d vote down on your unbanning. You are probably really stupid to try and go head on with a moderator. Your attitude sucks and you shouldn’t be unbanned.

    #30654 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Unbanned, please respect the mods bro 😐

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