Ban Report


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Ban Report

This topic contains 40 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Garnachos 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #9876 Score: 0


    Town griefers. Sew990boy and WanXin. Long story… When I started this server one of the people I teamed up with was sew990boy. Me, him, and a few others set out to make a town. I figured he would be a trustworthy assistant since he contributed to much to starting the town, Legion. I also later on made his sister WanXin an assistant because I trusted Sew and he wanted he to be assistant. Then today, they griefed our town. At first they lied saying “what happened to the town?” It was griefed and I didn’t suspect them much yet. Then they said the town had problems. The town had trees all over and random blocks. And also signs. Then they started being mean and said how I had a bad attitude. They accused me of taking credit for an hv solar panel. First of all it’s a small thing. Seriously? Grief a whole town over that? Destroy everything I’ve worked for? And take every single item we had for yourself? Now what kind of attitude is that? Also some of the items traded for the array were mine… And it doesn’t really matter anyway. Take everything I had, destroy everything I made, and leave? What kind of person does that. So I’m just requesting that the town be rolled back. And I don’t want to say this, but ban the griefers. They’ve destroyed everything and took everything! I also might be quitting the server, so I’m looking for someone active to keep up the town, Legion; and also the nation, Revolution. Remember to keep them from falling. I might be back someday… And I might not even quit either if everything is fixed.

    Just a report to ban 2 people–griefers–that have destroyed everything I have worked for and ao some that they worked for, though they took all the items… They destroyed everything I have worked for and took everything I have worked for.

    #9880 Score: 0


    please. dont ASSUME that we were the only ones.  and you treated us like your dogs to craft stuff. we are humans. we have feelings. you just cant assume that we are your maids to serve you. plus, the trees were you all to get wood from. We ( plus someone else)  planted th trees for u guys to get wood from.

    #9881 Score: 0


    Hello Star. Im sew. I just wanted to teach you an lesson on treating people like dogs.So what if your an mayor? you cant treat us like dogs! do everything for u , scolding us?? Taking our stuff and claim it is yours? comon! we are the ASSISTANT not SERVENT why can you do it yourself? and hv solar array do you know HOW HARD I DID TO GET THEM? i spend hours getting diamonds… finding them? finding coal? while you juz sit there and wait.Sometimes when i tell you to help me  juz : ”Star” him: What  Me: Can you help me? i nid alot of help” He will probably ignore or pretend to do things. So. The trees are for wood and can you learn your manners? Think about what you did before you post an ban report . Do you think we deserve to be your dogs? we are here as assistant. not helping you get stuff. So do you think i deserve the stuff? Btw. i wanted to build the house like weeks ago you keep saying: ”Later” ”later no time’ later’: while you are not doing anything! i cant stand you anymore so i told zhen and wanxin. they said tht i should get my revenge for treating me dog . the town 40k :30k frm me 5k from donate 5k for u IS THT FAIR? and you never told zhen to do anything! So think abt your actions and do not put an ban appeal before any thinking.

    #9882 Score: 0


    I can pay you back yr chainsaw if you want~

    #9883 Score: 0


    We didnt destroy anthing. check urself

    #9884 Score: 0

    Justin Kong

    Don’t fight.
    Starxminer,If you want to report,you’ll need proof……
    And for those trees in your town,i saw them 2 days ago.

    #9885 Score: 0


    Defination of grief (in Minecraft) : Breaking/flooding/setting on fire on people stuff.


    That’s it. We didn’t Break, Flood or Set fire on your stuff.

    #9886 Score: 0


    Justin: i dont know how u see it 2 days ago because we only made trees in the town yesterday . To be exact, 4th  December 2012 10-11PM.

    And now is 5th December 2012 1:34PM.

    #9887 Score: 0

    Justin Kong

    Then what were those trees in your town two days ago? ._.

    #9888 Score: 0


    Idk. Maybe someone else? Thats why he can’t assume its ALL by both of us.  I have no idea what trees you are refering to.

    #9889 Score: 0


    ghost tree? \(o.o)\

    #9891 Score: 0

    Justin Kong

    Now guys,you are spamming the forum’s “Recent Replies”
    Stop now.

    #9897 Score: 0


    Star, If you want to know who destroyed a block just place the same type of block on the place it was destroyed then do /lb t. It gives you a wooden pickaxe that tells you who created and destroyed the block. All you have to do is click on the block that got destroyed.  :)

    #9899 Score: 0


    no one destroy it tehenergy >:D

    #9902 Score: 0


    Star U Shud Learn A Lesson On Not Treating Us Like Dogs,We Are Not Workers,We Are Friends, We Work Together ,Build Together , Not Like Obeying The King…Just To Remind You… We Are Human….Not Slaves

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