ban REPORT against thunderaxe


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal ban REPORT against thunderaxe

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stress 12 years ago.

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  • #15763 Score: 0


    he was luring and he lied! i think he should be banned because luring is against the rules and its messed up. Luring is actually against 2 rules, rule #3 respect all players and staff and the other rule its breaking is #5 no tricking or luring other players. I also want my stuff back if he doesnt get banned please

    #15764 Score: 0


    Ah, so you seem familiar with EC’s rules, but where is the evidence? A screenshot or video would be fine.

    #15773 Score: 0


    Yeah, who knows if you just want him banned and none of this ever happened? Evidence is the best.

    #15784 Score: 0


    cant you interrogate him? can i atleast have my stuff back?

    #15785 Score: 0


    Moderators can’t do anything unless you have proof that this has happened.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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