Ban Report


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This topic contains 40 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Garnachos 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #10076 Score: 0


    Your stand does not make any sense, star.

    1. ” And you asked them to leave”  First I didn’t ask them to leave. You can view the chat list.

    2. ” And you’re probably just sew or wanxin creating another account.” Nope, I dont know Fazley and kid, stop assuming things. This whole topic is FILLED with your assumptions.  If you want evidence that it is not us creating another account , Simple. Check the  ip. 

    3.”stop saying that they did not grief the town.” No, We did not grief the town. You need to advance your vocabulary and stop using wrong words. I taught you the definition of “grief” and even linked you to the source. 

    4.”they keep changing the subject to me taking credit for something I didn’t take credit for. ” Yes you took credit and if we don’t link the subject to the credits part, it would be vague. You want to see what u took credit for?  Take a look at the photo.

    5.”so stop trying to take all my members.” Nope we did not take away your members. So you mean that zhen was taken away by us? Pui. If you guys had TRUE friendship, they wouldn’t even leave u EVEN IF we forced them with a gun. 

    6.” And you asked them to leave” Nope ,once again, we didn’t ask them to leave. You can check the chat box.


    8. “You kicked out a bunch of people asked a bunch of people to join you and you griefed everything!” Your sentence structure is incomplete. Please improve on that.  Plus, once again, stop saying that we grief. 

    9. ” You think people will like their houses griefed?” We did not touch their houses. Once again,  where’s the evidence? 

    10.” AND I DID CREATE MOST OF THE MACHINES.” You need to stop looking at bullsh*ts.

    11. “subject to me taking credit for something I didn’t take credit for.”I have attached some of my evidences.

    12. No need to thank me for the free tuition.

    P.s. fazley01: Thank you very much .

    Attached pictures:




    #10097 Score: 0


    Evidence given by wanxin. Nice! Starxminer, you don’t need to just talk and talk. Show the evidence. You really don’t like to show evidence do ya?



    We’ll be living in peace.

    #10120 Score: 0


    Star,they didnt point a gun at me and called me to join them..I join them myself

    #10218 Score: 0


    Fazley just gtfo you don’t have anything to do with this nor do you have anything against me so just leave me alone. Secondly, WanXin is just lying on 75% of things. Thirdly, do you 3 feel good about this? DO YOU? Or do you just have a cold heart and just want to ruin other’s works. I’m not claiming that I did everything. And I didn’t force you to do anything, it’s like asking for a favor. You can just say no thanks  I don’t want to do it. I won’t force you to do anything. I used to trust you guys, forever first asking to team with me then sew joining in, and next rlynotpro who we owe much to since he let us use his base. Anyway… I trusted you two to work as a team… to work together to create as much as we can. But what do you do? You ruin all that work, take EVERYTHING you created, and I created, destroy everything, grief everything and go off yourself. But whatever, I’m not mad anymore, I’ve found another server to play on where I’m co-owner. The owner there asks me to do things but hey, I’m not complaining, he’s hosting the server and It’s going to be great. If you ever want to join you can but just don’t grief anything, I don’t trust you as much anymore.

    And do you feel good about what you have done to all the work? Do you feel good about all you’ve done? To me? To others? Have you thought about how it affects not only me, but the other 40 people in the town? Have you thought about the grief you have caused? The destruction? Do you feel good about ruining others’ work?

    At the end of the day, it’s just a game, but people spend their time on things, and it’s not fun when it all goes to waste.

    Just think back on what you’ve done. It’s a game after all, but time is put into it.

    #10237 Score: 0


    Lol, you haven’t learn fron the previous tuition lesson.

    1. “Fazley just gtfo” Don’t cyber bully here. And didn’t anyone taught you what’s the meaning of ‘gtfo’ o_O it contains a vulgar language!! Didn’t someone tell you that it’s rude and impolite to use such words and it’s wrong to do that? Ok, Since no one told you, i’m telling you now.

    2.”just leave me alone.” Look who started the thread and see who’s not leaving who alone.

    3.”WanXin is just lying on 75% of things.” Err, I’m not lying. If I was lying, I wouldn’t show my evidences… If I’m lying on 75% of the things, you are must be lying on 10000000000% of the things. And you have sentence structure error on the sentence. After the phrase ‘75% of’ , you must have a word ‘the’. The ‘the’ is missing from your sentence.

    4.”Thirdly, do you 3 feel good about this?”  I feel very good giving you free tuition. It’s like doing a charity for the needy students.

    5.”Or do you just have a cold heart ” Er, I have a warm heart , if not, I won’t be doing charity. And you can’t just simply touch one’s heart . Just FYI.

    6.”  I’m not claiming that I did everything. ” You didn’t read the tuition materials properly. However, I am kind enough to provide you the materials… Again. and . You’re welcome.

    7.” didn’t force you to do anything, ” Of cause you didn’t. You forced Sew .

    8.”it’s like asking for a favor. ”  The way you asked is,” Sew, get some wood for me. ” The PROPER way of asking a favor is ” Sew, could you PLEASE  get some wood for me?” The difference is the way you ask and the politeness and the tune you ask. For the first one, you MUST because there is no question mark and the tune for asking something is not right. Always remember, the ‘magic word’ is PLEASE.

    9. ” . I used to trust you guys, forever first asking to team with me then sew joining in, and next rlynotpro who we owe much to since he let us use his base” your sentence structure is wrong. It is beyond correcting and could just rephrase this as ” BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH”.

    10.”Anyway… I trusted you two to work as a team” Yep, Sew, Zhen and me work perfectly as a team. Strictly no more, no less.

    11.”You ruin all that work, take EVERYTHING you created, and I created, destroy everything, grief everything and go off yourself.”  Yep, you finally admit that we took EVERYTHING we created. It is because you used the word ‘you’ but I don’t know how you have a serious typing error and the ‘you’ suddenly became ‘I’ after 3 words. Sorry to disappoint you, we didn’t ‘grief’ I have repeatedly reminded you that ‘grief’ is not the correct vocabulary to use. As a tutor and a human, there is a limited patience to repeatedly remind , correct and persuade someone to correct them self and even gave definition to it~

    12.”, I’m not mad anymore” Wow, you WERE mad.

    13. ” I’ve found another server to play on where I’m co-owner.” woops, advertising, asking your imaginary friends to join your imaginary server with the imaginary IP is wrong… Since you said you were mad… btw, i bet the server will fall with you because you will anyhow-ly ban people because you do not know the meaning of grief and people will be banned so there will be left with a very small amount of people playing~

    14. “the owner there asks me to do things but hey, I’m not complaining, he’s hosting the server and It’s going to be great.” Wow. That’s your problem if you aren’t complaining to him, so why bother complaining here?

    15.” If you ever want to join you can but just don’t grief anything, ” Pui . Who would want to join your server needs white cane. If you do not know what is that, I will, do my part as a tutor , to provide you with the defination. Link: There are pictures for kids to see and enjoy learning ~~

    16.”And do you feel good about what you have done to all the work? Do you feel good about all you’ve done? To me? To others? Have you thought about how it affects not only me,” Yep, like what I’ve said, I feel good donating to the needy and helping them.

    17.”but the other 40 people in the town? ” great. I don’t know the so-called ’40 people’ . So please give me their names ~ btw, what happened to them? O_o

    18.” Have you thought about the grief you have caused? ” Wrong vocabulary used again.

    19.”The destruction? ” What destruction? Oh, you mean planting trees? We need to save the earth~ More trees are needed to photosynthesis and convert more carbon dioxide to oxygen. You need oxygen to breathe. If you don’t understand photosynthesis and not knowing that you need oxygen to breathe, which you learn when you are 10  in science, you need to brush up and read more science books. Or even going out to take a look at the Earth, not stuck all day long in front of a screen.

    20. “At the end of the day, it’s just a game, but people spend their time on things, and it’s not fun when it all goes to waste.” Precisely, I’m very glad that you understand that this is MERELY a game.

    21.” Just think back on what you’ve done” giving tuition to a person nicnamed starxminer.

    22.” It’s a game after all, but time is put into it.”  Glad that you know this is just a game, not reality. Kindly refer to this link and “Just think back on what you’ve done” ->

    23. Merry Advanced Christmas. Where are your evidences? You can’t just simply be just talking like ( BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH) . Maybe your personal Santa needs to give you evidences than just giving you stuff that won’t improve on your studies.


    #10572 Score: 0


    so thats why my fucking house was greifed and btw it had nothing to do with me so why greif all my house for something thats not my fault?


    #10870 Score: 0


    killerkane98: It is non of our businesses. I don’t even know you. We left the town long long ago. FYI, The town had rollbacks. O_o and mind your language 😀

    #10873 Score: 0


    Guys please move on this problem will just get caught in time and you’ll all soon forget about, please both of you guys continue there’s no need to continue fighting you both simply ignore eachother for the good of the server, please this arguing isn’t going nowhere just into a pit of ignoration. Starx if your leaving the server please do not reply to this post anymore, im not saying your no longer welcome on the server, your welcome to join whenever you want. Sew, Wax, & starx please stop this now. I concurr with starx all the players need to dedicate lots of time to there work, once we ge to the bottom of this problem the person and or people who had to do with the griefing shall get the most severe punishment.

    Guardian Mod Gar-

    #10905 Score: 0


    Lol I’m joining this. Team Sew!

    1. Star stop telling people to stop interfering because this is on a forum, everyone can actually see this.(I know its magical)

    2. Planting tree’s is not bad its saving the pixel world of Minecraft. (Its called oxygen, that’s what them make)

    3. Advertising is not allowed, please refrain from doing that.

    4. First I hardly believe that your so called “town” (Which i can’t believe is actually made) had 40 people.

    5. GTFO is a bad word, not allowed for 3-5 year old (I estimated that by your lack of knowledge and punctuation.

    Therefore you are the evil mayor who only cares about money and they are the nice fugitives who just want there freedom.


    P.S- Don’t dare tell me to “GTFO” (Your not a gangster)


    #11046 Score: 0


    Yasy: LOL , your reply made me laugh so hard hahahaha. Nice one.

    #11048 Score: 0


    This topic is now closed, since you guys inmaturely continue to respond after i have told you guys nicely…

    Just put a cork in it…

    Guardian Mod Gar- 

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