Ban Starxminer: Tekkit
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This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by deasertman 12 years, 2 months ago.
Ok. I may have not been a tekkit user, nor had seen the incident, or even play tekkit. But I was searching around the EC website, and I saw Starxminer arguing with WanXin, sew and zhen.
I request the mods of tekkit, to ban starxminer for being such a liar. Evidence? WanXin, take out the evidence on starxminer so you could ban him. I mean really, I do think he is also an annoying liar and a dork.
Also, on my request to be a mod, he voted down on me for no reason. He gave nothing on why he voted down on me.
This means to 2 words: Ban Starxminer.
With Regards,
so.. your saying you want him to be banned for voting down your mod app?
Hey take it easy. If he is “bullying” you just let us know and we would deal with him and tell him that “bullying” is illegal (for some states) and its disrespectful! Provide evidence of him picking on you or what because I know what “bullying” feels like because I’ve been through there in life.
Yes he has been cyber bullying. And cyber bullying is illegal here i suppose. First in game he treated me and sew like dogs. You can check the chat list. I don’t have evidence here but you can check the chat list. Second. Do you know why star voted down on his mod app? Because he assume that fazley01 is an account made by sew or me to help us! Therefore he has a hatred on Fazley01 for some childish assumptions. Evidence: . Third. He has been stealing credits to some stuff that he did not do and he’s insisting that he did not steal credits. For more info look at I don’t wish to re-explain any further. Every explanation is there.
Zac, you’re silly. I’m just showing that he’s just too lazy to give a reason. It’s the other one I want to make the ban hammer speak to starXminer.
I have a very good reason to vote you down, you take sides too fast. If you want to be a mod you gotta look at both sides and actually take a look at everything BEFORE you take a side.
Also, don’t disrespect the mods, I wouldn’t want to be called silly.
And wanxin, how am I cyber bullying? I never forced you to do anything. I just asked if you could do it like a favor. And you said yes. Never knew that you were made… That’s not cyber bullying.
Also… I am not lying.
I never lie and never will lie.
Silly silly silly.
Oh really. This link is the question to your answer. This is a thread started by you. You should read it all over again, from page 1 to page 4. And all I can say, 100% of the time, you type without reading and even THINKING what you’ve typed. You claim that you are not lying. Ok, where are your evidences? You should show us the evidence . From The beginning. Justin was asking you for evidences. My evidence on Justin asking you for evidence? In the link below. Feel free to check it out. Do you know the meaning of lie? noun1.
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; anintentional untruth; a falsehood.2.
something intended or serving to convey a false impression;imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.3.
an inaccurate or false statement.4.
the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at hisaccusers.verb (used without object)
to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent todeceive.6.
to express what is false; convey a false impression.
If you do not know the meaning of lie, then you know it now by the time you’ve read till here. Search your soul, ask yourself, did you lie?
And, by the way, you said” I never lie ” It is a broken English. you should say it like this: ” I did not lie” If you do not know how to express yourself that you did not lie before, how would I believe that you did not lie before? That’s a question to ponder. If you edit it, I’m happy that you’ve realized your mistake but here is what you wrote , as a picture, .Starxminer, ‘silly’ is not a bad word to say to the mods, it’s a good and a jolly way to say ‘stupid’.
I don’t take sides too fast, I look at the evidences first, even I haven’t shown the real thing. Then only I give who is right and who is wrong. If you, starxminer, had gave evidence, and a good reason, and WanXin gave no good reason to protect herself, well, this comment will not be available; this post wouldn’t be available, and I would support you starxminer!
Argh, my neck is breaking because I am typing while looking down on my iPad…
And I’m really real starxminer, not a fake account made by WanXin and her frieds.. To prove it, before 2013, check the main EternalCracked server. You’ll have a chance of finding me playing in the server. But you’d only see me playing during the dark morning (I hope you know what I mean).
Um fazley01, If there is any problem you haven’t witnessed or got any evidence on, please don’t report it, let the people involved report it, because they know everything. Plus, if someone ever voted down for no reason, Im sure the mods will ignore it.
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