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This topic contains 13 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #105992 Score: 0


    In-game name (with right caps): El_Reptar
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.): Hacking Account ?
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.): Prison
    Who banned you: I don’t know
    Why you should be unbanned:I just say that “i will hack your account ” for pretending that my all items was gone and gettin’ by Iochu i don’t even try to hack other person acc , and btw deasertman see that screenshot, but not that true actually, because I died that day and I was worrying about my item , I need To UNBAN need justice for this , And im just saying I will fight of course for true , and I should be unban for this small thing -,-

    ~Justice never sleep

    #105996 Score: 0

    2 pts

    “Small thing” well uh the thing here is that you threatend to hack someone’s account and hacking isn’t a joke on EC. If you say anything concerning you hacking players or the server or that you use hacks, you will be banned.

    #106001 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Saying your going to hack a Players account is not a joke here.
    Also ZeeKingEpic, banned you If I’m right.

    #106002 Score: 0


    I did’nt even take an action for hacking? excuse me, judgemental

    #106003 Score: 0


    they take it seriously

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  El_Reptar.
    #106015 Score: 0

    1 pt

    el_reptar joking about hacking and etc isnt allowed lol you should know that

    #106017 Score: 0


    It doesn’t matter if you are not taking actions. Just the threat is enough. We never know if we can even trust you when u make the threat. And what do you mean by its not true? it clearly states that if he doesn’t give you your items back, you are gonna hack him.
    About being judgmental, everyone is and in this case, whoever reported/banned you made the right judgement.

    3. Do not harrash/threat another players!

    Consequences if you disobey:

    1 week mute.
    Permanent mute.
    1 day TempBan
    Permanent Ban.
    We can skip some consequences and process to the next one depends on your violation.

    #106128 Score: 0


    Threaten to hack IS NOT a joke. You will NOT be unbanned.

    #106141 Score: 0


    @takoballball i know its my mistake , I just do so that my item will go back but not that priority , of course I won’t hack even though I’m not banned . I won’t hack even though he won’t give my item i just scared him and I admit I comit mistake

    #106142 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Joking about it still not allowed if I am not mistaken it is your second ban. “To scare” people by saying that you will hack them is not relevant and it will result in a ban. You should know that, it was the rules at the start and will remain the rules till the end.

    #106529 Score: 0


    abig mod ka bogo ka?

    #106532 Score: 0

    ur finally got banned :) , i already knew , but we needed proof

    #106533 Score: 0

    and reptar , jokin about hacks and stuff , is dangerous , it will lead you to jail/ban/ip-ban , but i think ip ban is da common for these stuff

    #117851 Score: 0



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