BanAppeal: El_Reptar I wasXrayingWellSaidFromTakoballball i didnt do xraying !


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal BanAppeal: El_Reptar I wasXrayingWellSaidFromTakoballball i didnt do xraying !

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #67149 Score: 0


    Seriously Are you really angry at me

    ScreenShots” /

    “Takoballball” since in survival? HUH?
    i was not Xraying For you INformation.. i never use and i dont know how to use xray’s LOLOLOl if i use a xray this laptop might crash before …

    Your so funny Like Rogue Art ZzZz..
    -.- =.=


    #67150 Score: 0


    You might wanna look at your self before “hahahaha” laughing at other people, You were caught xraying and you were given another CHANCE, but guess what you ruined it, so too bad and deal with it.

    #67151 Score: 0


    If you can download things like this :
    Then X-Ray is no stranger to you. You’ve been always getting reported for hacks like this.
    It is not a funny thing El.
    We are not angry at you. We are angry at players who uses unfair mods.
    Even if you didn’t do it, you have to provide a valid and really good excuse.
    Follow this template
    In-game name:
    Who banned you:
    Why were you banned:
    Why should you be unbanned.

    Good luck,

    #67152 Score: 0

    41 pts

    A Moderator won’t just ban someone, based on their feelings/opinions of them.
    So, to go over your messages in the WebChat…

    look my ban appeal haha tako is so funny
    You’ve been banned for X-Raying, that shouldn’t be funny to you?
    he is such an epic fail “MOD”
    So, disrespecting a Prison Server Moderator, that’s gonna do you well 😀 #SarcasmFTW
    LOL funyny so funny tako i said them before i got lots of stack during that i get during resets i never sell them incanse i dont have any pickaxe my dia’s are so useful tako
    takoballball says he has fortune (he’s a moderator, so he wouldn’t be lying), and if he doesn’t have more than you, then you’d more than likely be using some sort of self-advantageous methods
    instead i never die because im pro enough .
    So, you’re implying that tako isn’t ‘pro enough’?
    u ban a wrong person
    Um, pretty sure he meant to ban you rather than anyone else at that occasion…

    #67153 Score: 0


    okay @Zevguns

    #67189 Score: 0


    Respect A Mod.,El_Reptar


    #117823 Score: 0



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