BanAppeal: El_Reptar : Xraying?


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal BanAppeal: El_Reptar : Xraying?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #67154 Score: 0


    In-game name: El_Reptar:

    Who banned you: takoballball

    Why were you banned: I am becoz Of xraying that he say’s im not xraying though

    Screenshots: /

    Why should you be unbanned: I wanna be unbann coz this is the only server i like and i wanna live forever here..

    ~ El_Reptar

    #67155 Score: 0

    16 pts

    1. You didn’t need to make another post
    2. That reason isn’t good at all XD.
    3. Did you x-ray or not? Be honest dude
    4. This is your second time being banned, so most likely you’re perm banned :/
    5. Why do you need screenshots to prove that you’re banned

    The first time you got banned, you should’ve learned your lesson, not just continue hacking again. The minute you posted that post, you should’ve thought that this is a disrespect to a player. If you don’t get unbanned, I wish you good luck on the next server, and good changes to your attitude.

    #67156 Score: 0


    dude i do repost again becoz in my first ban appeal mega seth replied me that its not proper template really sorry dude.. i make two .. and that is the proper.

    #67158 Score: 0

    7 pts

    So, you’ve been here for about a long time, and still do not know the rules?

    It has been said so many times that you do not need to repost your ban appeal because you failed on making it with the template, you can just post it in the same site.

    You will most likely left banned for insulting mods, like megaSeth020 said in your “other” ban appeal. If this server is your life, wouldn’t you know what you are allowed to do, or what you are not allowed to do?

    #67178 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’m not mod on prison so I can’t accept or deny this but I’m gonna tell you now don’t get your hope up. You were recently banned for using kill aura, now you go and do this? You’ve used your one free pass so unless the mods are feeling kind you can say goodbye to prison.

    #67180 Score: 0

    2 pts


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