

Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal BanAppealby:El_Reptar

This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  mod67 / MrPvr99 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #70699 Score: 0


    I have been banned for: Hacking Like using Movement Speed and Kill Aura by:

    I am banned from:Server Survival (EC)

    I want to be unbanned because: i heared that My favorite EC server comes most popular and i wanna … and willing to go back for my friends and my neighbor and gonna revive me town coz i see on my neighbor… and I wanna promise that i won’t use again a hack.. anymore I See our Daily Up Keep in town Luxury and i dont wanna leave .. my town
    It was My first time to be ban here
    Not include the last ban because El_Tobby hacked my account before and it was banned by him not cause by me.

    #70701 Score: 0


    As I can understand this is not your first ban in survival. So sorry for the bad news, but you will probably stay banned. Still let the mods deicide.

    #70707 Score: 0

    Read the full appeal, dude

    #70737 Score: 0

    1 pt

    ZznabelA Please Refrain from making a judgement on a mods decision as you are not sure.
    You can feel free to leave your opinion but not a judgement

    #70740 Score: 0


    The mods will think about it if you get unbanned or not, if you truly do promise not to use hacks again. Good Luck



    #71127 Score: 0


    I miss EC
    It my first ban … willing not use anymore to hack

    #71131 Score: 0


    Good Luck.. Strong Pvper



    #71876 Score: 0


    Im not sure whether ill agree to the mods if you will be unbanned(my own opinion not a judgement)or not because you still haven’t learned the lesson of “no hacking” and plus you got banned in front of “Garnachos” for your information I told Garnachos you were hacking because I saw you running very fast,faster than the normal sprint,without even taking speed potions, when I told her she investigated and minutes after you got banned for 10 houre so….

    -Good Luck dealing with this problem
    -Btw I dont consider you as a good pvper since you used speed hax and especially “kill aura”

    #71878 Score: 0


    accidentally put “houre” instead of hour*

    #71879 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Why didn’t you think of it when you was hacking…. Didn’t any feeling say that you are doing a wrong thing???
    Most of donors that loose perms and fly says the same… They say we are sorry but I must say why you hacked or abused or be sorry….
    A hacker always will be a hacker , It will be problem for the server…
    They should stop people like you…
    You had 1 chance 1 time and you lost it….
    I can’t rally understand you ;(

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