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This topic contains 24 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Skeletor 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #93037 Score: 0


    What you have seen it true, I have been banned from the EC Factions server from a certain fight in a certain Skype message, here you go:

    Ingame Name: syth22
    When were you banned: I do not have the correct date, 2 weeks ago
    Why were you banned: “Threatening Members of EC Staff”
    Who banned you: Mr. Alex himself
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: If I had heard correctly (And I had heard this from quite alot of people) what I say over skype cannot be used against me in EC, considering skype is not affiliated with EC in any way, unless of course its a report OF something from EC. So when I happened to get into it with WitherPlayMc in a certain Skype chat things went a little off the deep end when I returned and found out I was banned. With my new found knowledge that saying things over Skype CAN get me banned I would like to ask for another chance and for an opportunity to apologize, as I have already done so on Skype.

    I will now see how this goes, thanks mates


    #93040 Score: 0


    You have a really big point, EC is not in ANY way affiliated with Skype. I hope you get unbanned.

    Can I just point out, to Alex:

    In /rules, it says that Threatening, Blackmailing (etc..) is not allowed towards moderators. This rule only applies to the Factions server. Do the EC Factions rules go with Skype chat rules? Nope. Alex, seriously, please think twice before banning someone. I am going for Syth’s defense here. I believe that banning Syth for Skype threatening should be handled within skype, not on EC. I have two words for every single person that step foot on the EC Hub.

    Think Twice.

    #93042 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Alex made the factions server and he doesnt know .-. and its truth EC is not affilated with skype…

    #93047 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Agree with mizo

    #93054 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Doesn’t matter where the offense happened, threatening mods or the server in any way is a bannable offense. If you say: “I will hack EternalCraft” in Skype you will get banned in EC…. duh!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  borncorp.
    #93058 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ Ah yes, my memory failed me. Sorry, born, that’s the policy, I was wrong. However, it wouldn’t hurt to get a full log of the conversation, would it?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  AnderZENZ.
    #93061 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Born is right don’t talk to mods or players like that but 9 times out of 10 you may not be unban.
    And yes if you talk over Skype look that like saying something like this
    Player1: Hey dude so you seen my hacks yet.?
    Player2: No show me dude i’ll love to see your hacks…
    Things like that can get you ban big time.

    #93064 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Tavon… You can’t say “you have 9 times of 10 for not unban” you aren’t a mod..

    #93066 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Just to clarify for those of you who are curious, it wasn’t to do with any kind of in-game hacks.
    From my knowledge, it involved Wither & Syth, 2 people that are known to not exactly get along; Not only because of Syth’s actions either.
    Don’t try and belittle or talk poorly about Alex, just because he did what he’d have thought was right.
    I know this situation is similar to when people joke about using hacks, but I know for sure that Syth wouldn’t do what she’d threatened to do to Wither.
    Anyways, Syth’s fate is up to the Factions mod team & Born, I just thought I’d give my voice/opinion on the matter.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  megaseth.
    #93078 Score: 0


    It is true EC is not affilated with skype but if alex is really pissed off maybe..but im on syth’s side (for now)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  Beast.
    #93084 Score: 0


    I shall apologize for talking poorly about Alex; I will take my punishment ;o

    (No, just kidding, I don’t want a punishment)

    #93106 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Tbh @syth22, I think you take your warnings, mutes, bans as a joke like really like how when I reported you for bulling me and etc wither warned you about 3 times and then you kept going on with bulling I think you can’t just see the light like you almost bully how ever you plz but that’s not cool… you even do It on Skype sometimes like how you did @Mist on his mod apply / on Skype calling him out like that. That was not even cool not even funny yeah it’s real funny to you but not funny to us… It’s like now you wanna get ban from EC as from what I have been seeing… and you keep coming and telling me ” Oh you got a new acc nice. So can we be friends again.? ” No then why..? you even said it in main chat that you hate me so why should we if you hate me that is something i’ll love to know.

    #93108 Score: 0


    1. I tried multiple times to start fresh with you and you said “No.” So shut up, alright?

    2. The things you are applying me to are things that have occurred in the past, long ago, so quit being clingy and grow up, kid.

    3. If I took my warns and bans as a joke then how come that was my first warn since NOVEMBER? Because I value my record and want to keep it clean. You know nothing about the things that have been going on lately. Let the headmods decide my fate because you are not apart of it you hypocritical child.

    #93112 Score: 0

    12 pts

    ” I tried multiple times to start fresh with you and you said “No.” So shut up, alright? ”
    Well if you told me about one or two times that’s just telling you I don’t wanna be friends anymore so how about you just stop asking…

    “The things you are applying me to are things that have occurred in the past, long ago, so quit being clingy and grow up, kid.”
    Tbh the last warns I saw you get was in faction and it was the day when I reported you…And I really think you don’t need to be telling ppl to ” shut up ” and I highly think you don’t need to be calling me a ” Kid ” too because I’m almost 14 in a few months and your saying that I’m a kid still no I’m a teen.

    “If I took my warns and bans as a joke then how come that was my first warn since NOVEMBER? Because I value my record and want to keep it clean. You know nothing about the things that have been going on lately. Let the headmods decide my fate because you are not apart of it you hypocritical child.” Ohhh man why did you just lie to me hm your last warns were like a few days ago or a week ago so I hope your reading that right.
    Yup. I don’t know your ” Fate “. Also!
    See this is why your ban in faction… your calling me a ” hypocritical child ” what did I ever do to you hm…? because from what I recall I left you months ago and moved on with my life… I don’t have time for ppl to keep bulling and crap I got a life to think about soon so I don’t need you to be acting like some dam crying 3year old.

    #93116 Score: 0



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