Banned – dimme9


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Banned – dimme9

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Chibichuba 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #31001 Score: 0


    As you know i was banned by shaman some ages ago…
    And now i have been ipbanned on some accounts but i m still joining.
    Mods and admins why dont you just accept my normal account: dimme9 and just lemme join the server as dimme9
    i m gonna keep bypassing my ban i will make too many accounts i m using Proxy and my IP changes every day so mods and admins will have no luck with this.
    Just gimme one more chance and i will stop any illegal actions.

    #31006 Score: 0


    Why does that distinctively sound like a blackmail…

    I doubt threatening the moderator team will make it any better.

    Btw, your comment really made my day; I cracked up pretty hard over it so thanks.

    #31007 Score: 0


    Dimme im sure the mods probly wont unban ya. Blackmail dosent work :/

    #31008 Score: 0


    Well xavier now i really have nothin to lose even blackmailing
    I know it s not gonna change anythin but i still bypass my ban
    i ll msg u with my new account
    and btw Wills u r annoying and u should stfu coz u break my nevres ;p

    #31010 Score: 0


    Dude, it will not work, the mods aren’t gonna give in. Vote down, please no one vote up. People like you should just move on. You messed up, evaded ban, and are threatening to keep doing it. Please get off the server and forums.

    #31015 Score: 0


    Denied for threats and attempting to bypass bans.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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