

Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Banned

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Claustofobia 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #46336 Score: 0


    Hey there my name is Mysz_ Aka Classic.

    My old account Classic has been banned because of the following reason :
    Me and some friends were playing on the Eternalcracked Survival server but it went out for around 2-3 hours so i’ve started a small survival server just for my friends to join because it was cracked we all came with weird names like ” Poop ” or something so one of my friends joined with the name Chibichubu who was a Admin back then or still is , so I came with Nhu , he came with Hobeezy so i came online with Borncorp so we messed around a little bit , my mom told me to have dinner so I logged out i came back half a hour later i logged in on the Eternalcracked Survival server and i tried my password and it didn’t work i’ve tried this a couple of times after that i saw i was still logged in with Borncorp’s account I went offline really fast because i know it is bad and after that i got banned i’ve posted a couple of ban appeals but i never got any response so i gave up , i really wanna join the fun and good old memories on the Eternalcracked survival server because it was and still is the server i learned my beginner Minecraft days, Please give me a chance and ill nothing will go wrong ever again!

    Thank you for reading this

    – Mysz_ aka Classic

    #46337 Score: 0


    Wait a second… your old account? Are you still playing with a new account in this server? Because if you do, that’s bypassing ban and you won’t be unbanned for that. Plus your new account will be banned too.

    #46339 Score: 0


    Classic i’m going to say this once, Vote down. People like you really don’t change even though you go to all the trouble to writ this giant post.

    #46340 Score: 0

    1 pt


    #46341 Score: 0

    1 pt


    #46343 Score: 0


    Wow, how unfair. :/

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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