banned appeal of 101dog


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal banned appeal of 101dog

This topic contains 30 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Waveware 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #96772 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: 101dog

    When were u banned: in survival

    Why were u banned: couse i just want to help my friend kiiaz and one donor i ask and when i ask him to unbanned kiiaz he banned me for bypass he thought that me and kiiaz are only one kiiaz is my friend in real life so i want to help him actually he is my cousin.. and i dont now that we have a web. where we make a banned appeal so i only ask a donor. and also this is my first banned

    Who banned u: i dont now cause i have 5 mounths banned so i forgot it

    Why should u be unbanned: couse i realy want to play a server in minecraft and that donor only wrong that i am kiiaz..

    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by  101dog.
    #96774 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Hey look I guess it’s the annual spamming of 101dog..

    #96775 Score: 0


    This is the ban appeal written in proper english:

    Ingame Name: 101dog

    When were you banned: Survival

    Why were u banned: Because I just wanted to help my friend ‘kiiaz’, and one other donor. I asked mods to unbann kiiaz, and the mod banned me for bypassing, thinking that I bypass kiiaz, and that I own both accounts. He’s my cousin in real life, I didn’t know we shared IPs. Please note this is my first ban.

    Who banned you: I don’t know; I’ve been banned for 5 months so I could not remember.

    Why should u be unbanned: Because I really want to play on this server, and it’s wrong that I’m Kiiaz.

    #96776 Score: 0

    41 pts

    You were banned multiple times, so don’t lie saying that this is your first time being banned.

    #96804 Score: 0


    Sorry to butt in,but i know it depends on moderators,but from my point of view,he deserves a chance..It’s rare to see someone making a ban appeal that too after 5 months(or more)..Most of them either stop playing Minecraft or change server to play..Question?Why most players bypass?Because they like the server

    #96807 Score: 0


    @Trevish i think you made ‘bypassing’ into a word which every member of ec(who likes playing the server) would do 😛 So it is a good thing 😉
    Wait, so if they stop playing minecraft, Did they rage quit/got bored of the game?

    If what seth said is true, then you should be banned FOREVER!

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  Beast.
    #97053 Score: 0


    ser megaseth020 i am saying the truth that this is my first banned and i am a filipino not a american that now how to speck english so sorry for my words

    #97081 Score: 0

    41 pts

    You’ve been banned multiple times, on alternate accounts for bypassing, so don’t lie to me.
    You bypassed multiple times, which ruined your chances, and you made multiple ban appeals that have been denied/closed/deleted.

    Also, you’ve said in basically all of your ban appeals “this is my first ban”, which, with all the bypassing, is utter lies.

    #97283 Score: 0


    i am not lieng this is my first banned and i am waiting for my unbanned so i reach 5 mounths banned and this time i made a banned appeal again so please trust me i am saying the truth..

    -Please ser megaSeth020 trust me. :(

    #97284 Score: 0


    If i recall correctly, you play at a local cafe, don’t you 101dog?

    #97286 Score: 0


    @Beretta3 we are talking about 101dog’s mod app ._. Not the locations of where he plays mc.

    #97287 Score: 0


    101dog?Where you play Minecraft?

    #97288 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It’s very important, because that can explain how multiple accounts log from the same IP. I remember there was the same prob once: 10 or more players were all playing EC from a net café, 2 or 3 of them got banned, so the mods thought it was bypassing, and they’ve banned the IP. One of them came here to explain the whole misunderstanding (I think it was ElReaper & co). So yeah, playing from a net café where people play the same server than yours, it can be a problem if just one of them is a bad guy 😛

    Lol Triv, that’s true for all the servers… except MG: hackers want to come back to hack again 😛

    Good luck 101dog, you seem pretty sincere to me :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #97294 Score: 0


    yes ser baretta3 i play at a local cafe where in the philippines and many players playing in our cafe.

    #97317 Score: 0

    20 pts

    101dog is just… On my nerves, he doesn’t listen… He doesn’t listen.. He was told he lost his chance months ago… I mean, If he really cared about the server, he’d listen to the mods..

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