Banned because of spam


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Banned because of spam

This topic contains 11 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  nikosx26 12 years ago.

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  • #15681 Score: 0


    Hello  i am banned for spam because i said 2 times 3 things in a row at first i asked shaman to spawn ender dragon and then i asked nhu 1 question and shaman ip banned me well i think because i said nhu is better mod than him i love this server i want to be unbanned because all my friends plays in the server and i love it (my brother plays too and he will kill me if he finds out im ip banned) and …. i just want to play with my friends minecraft in a great server.

    #15684 Score: 0


    I like both mods and i don’t think it would be a permant ban idk

    #15687 Score: 0


    Well this is when i get to say ‘Karma is a bitch’. Do you really think that coming on the forums and saying which mod is better than the next will help you? you can think that personally but since nhu cant unban you and shaman can, i think you mightve just made a big mistake. although i find this hilarious due to how rude you were to me and are probably about to be. i highly doubt that SHAMAN banned you for saying 3 things. you wouldve spammed a damn lot to be per banned for it.

    #15689 Score: 0


    We can check the logs anyway. So if you are lying, it will be worse for you. Secondly, where do you think that you have the right to disrespect Pigs like that and Shaman. You are ridiculous to even think about being unbanned so quickly. You cannot get away with what you have done and I hope you stay banned personally. Do you understand now?


    #15690 Score: 0


    Well funny thing is we have already caught you on lying. you were asking nhu which mod was the most of a pervert and hoping she would say Shaman. you were disrespecting shaman A DAMN LOT. You were seriously disrespecting him more than you did me. however that does not matter becaause this ban appeal is already denied. if any head was to actually unban you after that awful ban appeal, i would be very dissapointed in them

    #15706 Score: 0


    I was joking about the most  pervert mod shaman always hated me i dont know why but everytime i was saying something mute and mute i was rude to someone because he was accused that i was lurer and lier why should i get unbanned because pigswillfly and shaman hates someone that means that he must die? because thats what you are saying pigswillfly you accused me that i had stole a godpick why because someone lied to you then you threated me if i dont give a godpick you will ban do you think i should respect you and its my opionion that nhu is a better mod i never said nhu unban me or something  i know i was rude many times but come in my condition i was threated and accused by pigswillfly shaman hates and he will not unban me but am just saying my opionion and i wish that  i will get unbanned…..its your decision if i get unbanned.

    #15707 Score: 0


    1. You should really get your facts right before you mention it. either that or you have edited the story.

    2. I did accuse you of luring yes, but thats the thing is that you did lure. i had enough proof to say that you did it. i did not hate you and neither did shaman. you accuse us of hating you like i accused you of luring. you also should not joke about things like perverts. its not really that funny a topic. Both Nhu and Shaman took it seriously and Acted accordingly. as ive already said i doubt you were banned just for that and until you tell us the whole story, there is no chance of an unban. Nuff said

    #15709 Score: 0


    Well then i think this server is too serious for me pigswillfly you are right about many things but i did not lured anyone i told a guy in msg to stfu because he was swearing all the time and mods didnt muted him yesterday i said f*ck my life and i got muted for 10 minutes AND yes many times i acted immature but is this a reasson to get banned? i didnt use any hack  and i see x-rayers to get unbanned if you think its fair to someone to break rules by hacking and get unbanned i know that i spammed and i broke the rules too but its not fair i wasnt spamming like that  e e er r f d  w ww  e d s  e   gth  g f  i said 3 times spawn ender dragon please and i got muted

    #15711 Score: 0


    Well Im sorry if you werent really a lurer but it doesnt matter anymore does it? you held a grudge against me and of course i would be strict with you on the forums after you told shaman to ban me for threatening you. just to let you know its my job to stop lurers and scammers and sometimes it gets really hard to know whether someone is lying or telling the truth. and also as i said that day and i quote ‘Seriously dude, just give him the pik back and i wont go through all the process of reporting and getting you lurer tag, all will be forgiven’ and before that i said ‘Mate im really tired, can we just do this quickly so i can go to bed’. yes after that i mightve threatened to get you banned but i was seriously tired and could not think straight at the time. Ok So Im sorry bout all that. however i still doubt you were banned just for spamming, from what i was told you disrespected a mod pretty badly. just tell me what you said and ill try and help you. if you dont wanna say it here then add me on skype


    #15717 Score: 0


    I  know i didnt respected you and some other mods  i said shaman is mean i didnt sweared any mod or said something that bad i said to ban you because i was mad and threated by you did i said anything THAT BAD that i would have been banned? i know i behaved immature and slightingly but why should i get ip banned why shouldnt i get banned for 1-2 weeks to learn to respect staffs

    #15719 Score: 0


    ill talk to shaman tommorow but if by some VERY LITTLE CHANCE you do get unbanned, the slightest thing could get you perm banned. you could just  a warning for letter spam or something and you would be banned. in other words, mods wont take jack-sh*t from you and the smallest thing will most likely result in a ban

    #15722 Score: 0


    Ok ty

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