banned for doing nothing ( not suprized)


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal banned for doing nothing ( not suprized)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Chinoe 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #63611 Score: 0


    apperatly banned because i was invited to mien with some guy using xray mod, like i would have known ornto since i cant figurae out the new lanucher or the files , but i guess thats what i get for being nice all the time, so ill tell you what to make things easier just remove the account completely , problem solved, next time ask questions before banning people, i cant even find the files on my own computer but i got banned for using xray mod , this made my night, funny stuff @lonewolf, very funny, now ill take my jokes elsewhere.

    #63612 Score: 0

    3 pts

    You actually got banned for assiting xray: This doesn’t mean using it, this means being with someone that has it 😐 Plus, please make a ban appeal on the format and template located in , and fill it with your info, otherwise your ban appeal wouldn’t be counted. :/

    Oh, and, my advice is to not be angry, or deseperate 😉 It is your first time being banned, so generally, 90% of the time, you get unbanned. Thanks for reading. :)

    #63613 Score: 0


    first time banned for doing nothing, but not the first time beng taken advantage of, @please dont be desperate ROFL, i wount give two rabbits foot if i get killed by a mack truck you think i care if i get banned for no reason…………….

    #63626 Score: 0


    I remember u saying this a couple of day. Saying that this server sucks and that everyone should go and die. And that u are gonna leave the server. 😀 Just adding this on

    #63629 Score: 0


    hulk i dont think you were accused for using xray

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