Banned for Donation Fraud
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This topic contains 16 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by borncorp 12 years, 2 months ago.
Well Sir,I havent done a Donation Fraud at all. I havent done anything wrong I suppose because Saif02 said that he would make me a donor and said I can be one for free(that he would pay for me). And I was like “Yes I am going to be donor!” but I would like to be unbanned please,I’d rather be demoted to Member than be a donor banned,Please unban me and demote me please
How did u become a donor fraud? That is what I’m wondering
I didnt do anything. All I did was I changed my name to the wierd rainbow colors and today I login and start building my automatic pistons farm and then go mining for more iron and I just got banned,I have played no part of the fraud,Saif02 or Kenan might have done something and I have been banned
Rogue_art in saw they said Saif tricked up into doing it he got banned as well
Any member of the staff who has pardon please unban,I dont know what happend,I have been following rules very strictly since last week after Mariois25 had been banned. Saif02 has something to do with the “Donation Fraud”.He was the person who donated me in the first place and I didnt know did something to it.I feel very sorry for being an imbecile because Saif02 donated me and got me a ban for it D: . All I want is that I want to play in EC(the only server I know) with my friends,If I am going to be banned forever atleast let me make my friend the owner of my town and thats all I am asking :”(
Hold on until we figure this out, please be patient
Any member of Staff,is my stuff erased because of ban? Please tell me because I am very very very scared. And how long will decision of unbanning take please tell me I am worried :”(
Your items will not be erased as of now. We are working out a solution for this problem, don’t worry.
i thin rouge should be unban saif did tht with me on a server also
In the meanwhile I am ip-banned in EC,I’m normal banned in CR so please ip-ban till we get a solution,so I get freed back again and we all could be happy,otherwise I could still login as another account and escape the ban so please make sure that happens till we get the good solution
Actually rogue had many discussions b4 donating that he had only 19 dollars and there for could only buy diamond. So i dont believe he would have made tht up so far in advanced. I dont know all the details but im pretty sure rogue is not a part of this scam.
olvnique I lied to you because Saif02 said not to tell anyone
Because Saif02 didnt want to get everyone saying “Can I be donor” so he said that
Saif02 has scammed another server as well. This head admin found out he was hacking(giving the money and taking it back) and then he sent an email to Paypal and stuff and the head admin said that the PayPal awarded him money even though he hacked the money. Saif02 is the one that should be banned since he hacked PayPal to get free money.
It’d be a bit different if this was in-game money being practically stolen. I think Rogue_Art should be completely unbanned because he had no part in this fraud, he was just told by saif02 that he would get donorship. But real life money, this is a big deal. Happy new year!
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