In Game Name: blueloving
Banned for: Donor Fraud
What Happened: It was Just a Normal day in EternalCracked Creative Server Then i noticed steviebrineFTW had donor. i was like congrats for donor Stevie. Then Out of no where he asked me if i wanted to be an iron donor. i was like Oh my Gosh um… Sure! so then a few minutes later i was donor. So i went to survival and i was donor there also so then about the length of iron donor time to be donor my rank was gone. Then i was still getting on but one day i got on. i wasnt banned yet but then i left then about 3 Hours later it said, “Youve Been banned from this server for Donor Fraud.
Why i should be unBanned:This Is my Favorite server if i cant join this server i wont join any other server. When i first Saw The, “youve been banned for donor fraud i cried the rest of the day. I love this server and i So wish i could be unbanned. Also Thanks to borncorp for making such an awesome server 
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