Banned for Lurin?


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Banned for Lurin?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #22520 Score: 0


    ok so i was on and i said in the chat i like warp  10sal. and people came and i just minin and i dug a hole to. and i got on and GARN BANNED ME FOR LURIN is sayin u like a warp LURING????:

    #22523 Score: 0


    garn isn’t bein fair first of NO WARING and second i didn’t get a rank or anything and i didn’t lure just said my opinon and if it was and which it wasn’t y didn’t get lure tag then? garn don’t deserve to be a mod.

    #22524 Score: 0

    3 pts

    the problem is… you weren’t “mining” you dug a perfect 2 block wide hole that is big enough for the person who does /warp 10sal to fall, because they don’t warp on a single block, it is in-between. The luring part is the spam advertising of you liking the warp. What you should of did was, reported the warp as a ‘Dead warp,’ not take advantage of it. It is like saying,” This is a very nice place, teleport to me,” but in reality it is a fall death trap, and that will still count as luring, plus the fact that you killed a lot of people from it, in which benefited you.

    As for invader telling you it is okay, well, sometimes the mods just didn’t know, and they are wrong. I mean… seriously, if you were a player without flying benefit, and you died with pro4 and everything from this warp, by someone who said the same thing you did, you would have to agree this is luring.

    #22525 Score: 0


    Took the words from my finger tips



    #22526 Score: 0


    Skills and Garn he just said his opinion and got a temp ban and master_123 got a lurer tag not a ban and Garn muted me for 10min for just saying my opinion and my opinion was i did not like him and he muted me.  And How did valk advertise?  he just said his opinion that he liked warp 10sal.  It would a trap not luring.  And i would think it would be like a joke and it would be funny.  It is a trap and it would not be luring because he did not offer anything.  I think that is how valk feels falsely accused.

    #22528 Score: 0


    Icy we talked about this, stop saying false facts go look up the topic were you say im abusing powers and read it fully, i have to ask you to say the REAL story and not make up fictatious stories, please and thank you

    #22530 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I say that Valksoar be unbanned, I read every post and decided that he does not have to be banned for making a simple mistake once…

    #22532 Score: 0


    Garn I did and saying that I wish you and xXBearXx were banned means I dont like you that much


    #22535 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    There is a difference between accidentally breaking a block and digging a 40 block hole to bedrock and influencing  people to warp there.

    #22541 Score: 0


    you guys aren’t treating me fair. just for something that isn’t a lure. I might quit donating if dumb stuff like this keeps happening and possibly leave EC. i’d rather have lurer rank for 1week thank 24hr ban. and why are you treating me like this? i donated so some respect please. It’s kinda a lie on what Garn is saying……

    #22543 Score: 0

    2 pts

    i am a potato so your argument is invalid.

    #22544 Score: 0


    I dont know if you notice but all i said was “took the words from my finger tips” and provided evidence i feal your problem against me is personal and is no longer in this topic. By the way its just a temp ban. You wont get lurer tag for a week though. So its totally worth it for you ofc


    #22550 Score: 0


    Ok fine. But in the web chat it seems 10sal my brother seems to be banned some how ip? Unbann the ip so he can get on if u havnt fixed it plz.

    #22551 Score: 0


    Just because you are a donor doesn’t mean that you get any pass from the rules, remember that all players will be punished the same no matter if you are a donor or not, they have clearly said so above the buy button. There is also a very huge difference between accident and bottomless pit you know….

    #22558 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Lol, the title is Proof vs Valksoar

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

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