banned for no reason


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal banned for no reason

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  kevin elgrande 10 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Author
  • #91962 Score: 0

    kevin elgrande

    fuy banned from survival without rason was waiting for a friend to go to kill the dragon and the server banearon me out disiendo to me because it is not fair no ise nothing
    user name kevin3777

    #91969 Score: 0


    This was the chat between you and syth and it seemed that you confessed to her that you were bypassing ban.

    #92115 Score: 0

    kevin elgrande

    desbaneame ise anything plz sorry :(

    #92120 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Use the ban appeal template:
    Ingame Name: (minecraft username)
    When were you banned: (date/month/year)
    Why were you banned: (reason for being banned)
    Who banned you: (moderator name that banned you) [leave empty if unknown]
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: (explain why we should unban you)

    Also don’t lie, you said you did nothing, while there’s clear proof that you said you were atzel (who is banned) and thus were bypassing, lying is only going to make it worse.
    Thank you.
    (Use a translator if necessary, or ask if anyone can translate this for you)


    #92125 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yo hablo Espanol?

    #92126 Score: 0


    No reasons?

    #92162 Score: 0




    Escribe en español porque te baniaron y yo lo traduciré a ingles.

    #92189 Score: 0

    kevin elgrande

    amigo yo no soy atzel soy kevin ademas no se ablar bien en ingles creo que el admin entendio que yo era atzel pero no soy atzel desbaneame plz yo no soy atzel :(

    #92195 Score: 0

    kevin elgrande

    en ese lugar hay fuerza 2 por eso matas de 3 golpes con la mano mira bien te dan fuerza 2 y yo no soy atzel

    #92196 Score: 0

    kevin elgrande

    ademas estaba esperando a un amigo para ir a matar al dragon y el server me saco disiendo que me banearon

    #92426 Score: 0

    kevin elgrande

    desbaneame think that you thought I was Atzel but I’m not Atzel I’m friends with Atzel also I have more time than in the server

    #93007 Score: 0

    kevin elgrande

    I’m not Atzel you understand me wrong I’m not Atzel

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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