Banned for no reason


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Banned for no reason

This topic contains 24 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #24621 Score: 0


    Dudes i got banned from shaman for Disrespect and Non benefitial person on society


    COMN unban me i didnt say anythin


    #24622 Score: 0


    ALSO shaman is the only mod punishing with no reason

    he has wipped my money on the past and i said nothin


    #24624 Score: 0



    #24625 Score: 0


    You constantly badmouth and harass other players and moderators. People like you are not welcome on this server.

    #24626 Score: 0


    DUDE i was claling walker walky just for fu nand we are friends

    and also i have many friend son this server they like me


    #24627 Score: 0


    who doesnt like me on this server dude?only you

    anyone else?


    #24628 Score: 0


    and i never allowed any mod to ban me with no reaosn

    ask Hablaman, Nhu, Badboy, toble and all the active mods


    #24629 Score: 0


    i just made a nick for a FRIEND that after a while became a mod


    #24630 Score: 0


    ok maybe i spoke a bit more botu dat but if u gimme a 2d chance i ll be cool

    and i ll keep playing FAIR like i did before

    cauz i ve never got banned again

    no hacks no xray nothin



    #24631 Score: 0


    ok dear friends and mods

    no need of unban

    I quit the server cauz this account was all i had

    now i want only to say somethings to my mates

    Xavier keep nation cool like it was be4 i get banned

    thodoris stay cool and help the residents

    same for all of my assistants

    also i would like to ask the mods to promote thodoris to mayor as he is the only player in town that is in town as much as i am

    i was glad to play with you guys

    in the future i may make a normal ban appeal

    cya all

    good luck on server



    #24632 Score: 0




    #24635 Score: 0


    nuuu dont worry xav i may come back after some months or a year with other account

    u can freely demote me


    #24636 Score: 0


    damn shaman

    hes disrespectful to people himself! this is unfair… dimme shouldnt be perm ip ban it should be temp he was only disrespecting shaman always does this

    ill miss u dimme. i will make a grave in the town. also tell me a way i can talk to you.


    ~ tytal

    #24637 Score: 0


    ok tytal dont worry

    and plz keep town running i dont want any1 to grief or somethin

    i loved this server,this town and this nation and i really loved all these cool guys and some moderators like habla nhu amy and bender (well even if i didnt like him dat much in the beggining) but i hope i can join in the future and if i could join now i promise that all will be fixed i just asked for a 2d chance but server is not friendly to me any more

    Btw thodoris i fell in lava with your favourite armor sry mate

    and Xavier YOU ARE COOL

    cya all guys


    #24638 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Dimme…. all you have to do is, admit to what you did wrong, and show that that are truly sorry, and the community and mod team forgive you, then you will get unbanned. Okay, now that is taken care of, let’s get down to business

    Since you are banned this is the following that will happen:

    1. if you spam on the forums, you will be banned from forums and you will never get unbanned

    2. you are not entitled( since you are banned) to give mayor to another assistant, if you don’t get unbanned with the time of, 2.5k per day/ your bank total, your town will be fallin

    3. most of all, you have to show your apology  to the banner ( shaman97 )


    Have a nice day 😉

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