Banned for no reason


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Banned for no reason

This topic contains 24 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #24641 Score: 0


    yah skills is correct, all you have to do is admit to what you did wrong. The moderators must have banned u for a reason.

    #24647 Score: 0


    ok then thank you very much skills641

    shaman97 i m really sorry for whatever i did

    other mods too

    i m sorry if i made nicknames for some mods that were my friends before they become moderators

    i wish u allowed me to come online only to say goodbye to my friends and deal with the last town probs and at the end i would only set new mayor

    sorry for evrthing again

    PS if shaman doesnt see dat i m sorry


    #24650 Score: 0


    uhhh skills i didnt understand somethin

    if i dont get unbanned my town will fall?i mean the residents cant deposit?

    #24656 Score: 0

    3 pts

    They can, if they want to, but they probably don’t know that you are banned, and i don’t think they are keeping up with your town total

    #24661 Score: 0


    I say un-ban, but if this “disrespect” continues (I’ve personally never seen this occur), then he really should be perm-banned.

    #24665 Score: 0


    Shaman is right you do have a badmouth and harass others. D:

    #24670 Score: 0


    Yeahh i know but every person deserves a second chance dude


    #24671 Score: 0


    skills641 i did what u said

    but it seems it s only words so i quit

    please set new mayor in my town (thodoris)

    #24672 Score: 0


    Yeah, perhaps he really does have a badmouth and harass others. But he actually is one part of EC that holds us together. He may seem that way but if you know him better, he is actually a bro you can easily make friends with. Most people would not know this. He is the reason why some people made friends. His town is a good town with many cool residents and they will lose their town and money. Many residents will be townless, some people will grief the remains and they will quit EC forever. It may seem like a small deal but it’s because of him that many people are enjoying their time on this server. Perhaps you feel that he is harassing others and he should be banned. I must not disagree with Shaman and you lot but we should at least set thodoris as assistant (Dimme’s last request).

    #24698 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Dimme9 : nuuu dont worry xav i may come back after some months or a year with other account

    Application DENIED

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