Banned For Scamming
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This topic contains 15 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Beretta3 11 years, 9 months ago.
I got Banned By Mods i Dont really particularly know who bcuz there were a l ot of mods who banned me i got banned for samming ya for scamming but i was in jail for doing that so that was doen already but skills banned me in june 4 2013 for doing those eve ndo i receive my punishment for doing that. i Should be unbanend casue i didnt do it again and i promised not to doit again i said sorry to adcknight and the mods who imprisoned me but kills banned me in june 4 2013 for doing that even do i received my punishment already
Pls reply me directly
ALso one thing ramrma123 my friend got banned for xraying even do he wasnt using xraying
Pankia, I really hope you can use the amazing object called the dictionary. I can’t understand. >.<
This is the most absurd, unorganized, and childish ban appeal ever. (HINT) you were banned because you lured and scammed multiple times.
i didnt scammed multiple times and i only scammed adcknight so unbanned me please casue i dint do it multiple times and skills641 banned me yesterday i dunno why i wasnt doing naything bad yesterday and while the server restarted i goto the survival server then it says i cnat go in cause skills banned me for nothing maybe he has read the forums late about me
sorry zevguns for the mispelling word cause i was in the hurry writing it cause skills641 banned me i hope u donrs and mod can read this right away please unbanned me
I don’t think you were banned for scamming, it was more likely a culmination of all your offenses, luring, advertising, jail avoidance, disrespecting mods and yes scamming me… But they are just the ones I know about, I’m sure the mods have a nice big naughty list where your name (and the names of your alternate accounts) appear many times for many different offenses.
so here it is adck i was playing peacefully in june 4 2013 playing with my fellow friends ramrma123 nathanm123 and zpaini while we are building in our house the server said its going to restart so when it restarted i logi nand i wnt to the server again and it said skills641 banned me and i dunno why for the passes days after i got out of jail i didnt do anything bad i didnt lure i didnt scam though skils banned me exactly in june 4 so my point is what did i do after iwent out of prison i ddint do anything bad i di was play fair dont scam and dont lure the n that time come when skills641 banned me so my question is why he tempbanend me first then later perm banend what did i do what did i cause to get banned temporarily then after permanently
Thank You
It takes time for the mods to discuss punishment for cases such as yours, likely they started discussing your case when you were reported, and only finished making their judgment on the 4th.
but my question is why did skills banned me permanently when i wasnt doing anything banned first offense was luring so i got a lure tag 2nd was scamming so i got in prison and what did i do else that i got tempban then premban again why?\
i forgot something 3rd was advertising so i got muted for 8 years so what did i do in the 4th thing
Will be provided a ‘lurer’ rank for 1 week. The 2nd offense is a ‘lurer’ rank for 2 weeks. The 3rd offense is a 24h ban, and a ‘lurer’ rank for 2 weeks. The 4th offense varies.
And was this your first time second or what? cause if it’s not it shouldn’t be a perma ban. unless it’s like your fourth time
i dunno skills641 banned me directly after the restart yesterday i dunno why i was playing peacefully valksoar i did the 1st second and third but the fourth i didnt do anythuing pls tell skills
would u pls unabanned me mods im deeply sorry to abused and disturbed ur server and i promised not to disturbed or harassed ur server again sorry for everything pls let me in the server back mods thank u
if u dont want me to be unbanned pls comment i would still aprreciate that players and mods
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