banned for showcase glitch.


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal banned for showcase glitch.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  shaman97 12 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #7591 Score: 0


    I was perm banned for the showcase glitch. I walked in a shop and i started to walk when BOOM my inv was filled with dragon eggs and some other things. Then I walked out. After talking to shaman i came to the conclusion that next time i will report it instead of taking advantage and staying quiet.

    Please unban me.


    #7593 Score: 0


    Yeah, I didn’t get banned for the glitch but what I got from the shop was taken.

    I didn’t know it was from the shop, I thought someone committed suicide. So I decided to just take it. :l

    #7596 Score: 0


    You were permanently banned for this because there is no possible way you can have 7 stacks of dragon eggs. Also you had 3 stacks of diamond blocks, and gold too.

    #7598 Score: 0


    yes read what i wrote the gold was legit and i bought the diamonds, i got wool and stuff like that grass etc

    #7608 Score: 0


    done should be unbanned this hapened to my friend also he didnt get caught. Done has fesed up to his actions. He should be unbanned


    #7637 Score: 0


    i just got banned again.


    #7833 Score: 0


    done its because you actually should post a forum about the glitch for example this happened twice to me. i checked in the forum and posted it in the OPPS section and well born answered. so you next time if u are UN banned then you will post a forum i think we should forgive him…..ur choice ppl

    #8056 Score: 0


    Appeal Denied.

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