Banned items, plot report


Home Forums Creative Report a plot Banned items, plot report

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  BananaKing105 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #76479 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Name: bati133
    ID: 20;54
    Details:little green room on the roof, has like 4 hoppers in it. it says hoppers are banned so i hope this is valid

    #76973 Score: 0

    3 pts

    True hoppers are banned, though this plot has been last edited before the rule was applied, around 2013-04-12 (the rule was applied on the beginning on the middle of June 2014). To see when a plot was last edited: Of course LB is more accurate, but you can do /p info, see the expire date (example: 2014-01-02 [Year-day-month]) and remove 1 month of it (so if the expire date is 2014-01-02, the last edition of the plot was 30 days before, so it was the 1st of January 2014, = 2014-01-01). 😉

    Thanks though, I doubt that anybody would’ve looked in each room of this to check if there was a banned item. Even less would have reported that. So for all that, “a profusion of thanks!”
    ^^(Assassins’ creed black flag IV, when Edward saves Stede Bonnet [for nerds: Stede became a known pirate afterwards, and yes in rl] from.. some guys who want to kill him)

    ~Drums and Dices {DD}

    #76986 Score: 0

    5 pts

    ok thanks :)

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