Bans with code RB-01


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal Bans with code RB-01

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Zevguns 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #27400 Score: 0


    Since I’ve been banned (code RB-01) i checked the forums and what i found out realy shocked me… Admins/mods or whoever bans are using a TERIBLLE tecnique to fight against hackers. THEY ARE BANNING THE WHOLE REGION!!! They do this becouse the regions is systematicly “full of hackers” which isn’t even correct. This seriously makes me mad. I’ve seen at least 7 people that were banned from the server BEFORE EVEN LOGING IN FOR THE FIRST TIME. I saw mod commenting that the croatia region is banned and what do u know, my country Slovenia is a naighbour of Croatia, so we were just banned becouse of some stupid statistics.

    I highly recomend to REMOVE this type of bans, becouse it is realy unplasant for all the players that were and still are banned.

    Sincerly GOSAINTS900

    #27403 Score: 0


    I forgot to put this link, this clearly says what i just wrote above

    and sorry for spamming the forums with unbans, but still unban me, i didnt do anything wrong^^

    #27409 Score: 0


    There are exceptions being made. And its not unfair if 95 % of the people joining from those countries hack on our servers. Just be patient till a mod of CR comes online to assist you with your problem.

    #27411 Score: 0


    You’re right but i still think its a bit to much

    #27412 Score: 0


    Well i get your point dont get me wrong, but if we get a statistic of players of your country, its more than 95% is hacking on our servers. That means only a small 5% is left over that doesnt hack. Thats why we have chosen to ban them all and make exceptions for some.

    #27418 Score: 0


    That seems kinda rude. Looks like where I live, I am allowed to play on the server. This server is great and alot of people enjoy it. You can’t judge a book by its cover, but by its content same way you can’t judge the people who live in a contry by they way the whole country acts. I hope this gets fixed because I feel sad for dibil08

    #27422 Score: 0


    We should just let an exception for him. If he hacks, it means that Statistics are proving the truth and the ban near Croatia will continue. If they don’t hack, most likely the statistics may be wrong after all. Don’t judge a book by its cover. If my parents scolds me just because my siblings did something wrong, I would be mad as well. Don’t ya think?

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