Bender's Guide To Moderator (Updated)!


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  FieryAnubis 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #62838 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Hey, what’s up guys, Bender here, I thought the old guide was kind of getting old, so I decided to make a new one (or updated one, whatever you want). So, shall we get started? I think we should!

    What is Moderator?

    Well, Moderator isn’t a reward, it’s a responsibility that you have to keep. It’s about knowing what’s right, and what’s wrong. It’s about knowing how to help people. It’s about making the community grow and making the server a better place for people to enjoy.

    What makes a Moderator?

    If you decide to apply for Moderator, you’d have to know your pros and cons. Are you good at one thing, are you bad at another thing? Think before you apply, because you never know what you could screw up. You’d have to be a kind caring person, but is also willing to put the server before his/her’s friends. It’s not as easy as you think it is.

    Well, that’s the introduction out of the way, let’s get to the tutorials.

    What to do on the server –

    Helping people –

    Well, didn’t you see this one coming? This one was pretty obvious, I mean, what’s a Moderator if he/she doesn’t even help. Now, what I mean by ‘helping people’ is that, you’d do it at any cost. Whether it’s to help with a command, or general Minecraft stuff, you would need to know all of this. If you’ve just begun and hardly know anything, I would probably wait.

    Keeping it together/Language

    If I had a dollar for everytime someone said I was ‘immature’, I would have…. Ten dollars. But, seriously, you’d need to keep it together now and then, save all of that immaturity crap for Skype or something. Another thing that you need to keep in mind is how you react in general. Do you keep your cool, or do you get agitated often? Being patient is important when dealing with something. It may take a while, but staying calm is what’s best for you. Also, you would need to know good English, because most people online speak English.

    Following the rules/Reporting everything –

    Isn’t this another obvious one? If you follow the rules, and don’t argue against them. Your chance of Moderator will become higher. If you constantly swear in chat, then, your chances of Moderator will be lowered. Another thing, if you’re not sure about something, report it to a Moderator! Even if someone can’t get banned for the thing you reported, you’re still learning. If you’re a Mod and you’re not sure what to do, leave it to someone who is higher than you. Don’t be all like “Bro, I got dis” and make a mess.

    What to do on the forums –

    Everything above –

    Title says it all.

    Be active –

    It’s not just the server you have to be active on, it’s also the forums. A lot goes on here aswell. When being ‘active’, you need to make a lot of topics, aswell as posting in others.

    Don’t spam/Flood –

    Please…. don’t do this. It’s annoying and no one likes this. For those people who don’t know what these are, Spam, is basically posting the same thing other and other again in a topic. Flooding, is posting loads and loads of topics in the same board. Sounds annoying, right?

    Conclusion –

    I’d basically be a nice guy and maintain a mature personality, atleast on the server. If this wasn’t a good guide (which most likely, it isn’t) then post in the comments section below on how I can improve. I’m Bender, and I hope you’ve enjoyed my ‘Guide To Moderator’. I’ll see you guys soon :P!

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  Bender.
    #62846 Score: 0


    Give us a list of what we have to know to be a mod, I think that’ll help some people.

    #62847 Score: 0

    14 pts

    PirateBooty: what bender did was from his own free time. If you read closly, these there things that he LIST OUT SPECIFICALLY that you have to know to be a mod.

    #62850 Score: 0

    7 pts

    This isn’t really all different from the last one..

    #62851 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Only a grammar nazi wouldn’t approve every single point of that post..

    #62852 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I don’t get it, are you saying my grammar is bad?

    #62853 Score: 0

    7 pts

    No, I think he means, a grammar nazi would force-correct something that is already correct.

    #62854 Score: 0


    Mod have to good at everything, right??

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  dr4gon1234.
    #62863 Score: 0

    3 pts

    @bender and maxminoS
    Just some minor mistakes.
    I was saying, a bit as mentionned max (but not exactly), that a grammar nazi would correct every single mistake one by one.
    Was just sarcasm, btw 😛

    #62864 Score: 0

    12 pts

    So, you were being kind?

    #62865 Score: 0


    Yes .. Kinda 😛 Well i find this guide intresting for new mods OR people Who wanna be mods :) In fact It doesn’t change alot from the first 😉 😀

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  AgentLOLz_.
    #62868 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I wasn’t intending to make a big update, just the minor things, was all I updated :P.

    #62877 Score: 0


    I meant like tell them that they need to know everything for crafting and stuff, because we don’t want people who don’t know how to craft everything and know all the towny to make a mod app because they saw this and thought that it was everything.

    #62882 Score: 0


    Not to be rude but.. its kind of unbelievable that the person thats making this doesn’t follow at least 25% of whats on there. ._.

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