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This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  xXGLGXx 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #101520 Score: 0

    1 pt

    So yesterday I was on factions. Everything was normal until kratos80 said someone was here. I checked base and no one was there. About ten minutes later I went cane farming and I saw him in my base. His names is santosdc . I timed out before I got the chance to kill him. I logged back on one he wasn’t there until he killed cookeemonsterIII
    I engaged him only to see that he either hacks or is a very good pvper. He killed me with a stone axe while I was using a sharp 6 sword and I lost that. I decided to cover my base with bedrock and obsidian coupled with a water wall so that he couldn’t get in. After that i concluded that it had been kratos80 who tped him in and I kicked him out. I don’t know if santos tried to get in but he can’t anymore. I spent all my money on that bedrock so I’m broke now

    #101534 Score: 0


    And ?

    #101535 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I’m assuming that this has to do with mods need to spectate this dude.

    But well, there is a massive mcMMO advantage of which when a player is using an axe with a high Axes level, they will produce great damage as well.

    #101536 Score: 0


    Well we don’t know if he he’s hacking or has high Axes level but we’ll keep an eye on him 😉


    #101542 Score: 0


    Well maybe ^

    #101585 Score: 0

    1 pt

    His power level is 8 so I don’t think so

    #101598 Score: 0


    Glg nyonel tpd ME and I inspected I realised I could unclaim your hole base your power is like beyond-20 so I’d suggest disbanding your current base and make a knew one

    #102361 Score: 0

    1 pt

    kratos would never betray are you sure he tped him?

    #102469 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Idk I asked him and he said he told luffy to kill him and he didn’t and then he was set home. I rekt him every time he got on and everytime he sees he he immediately logs off. I think he got the message

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