Big plans for the near future…


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  eduardo 13 years ago.

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  • #850 Score: 0


    Well members of the wh…I mean EternalCracked community I have some news. I’m planning on making a sister server for our beloved server Eternal. I’m thinking of hosting it myself with my own money (donations are greatly appreciated) And make it part of our growing community of over 800 unique joins. It will be creative of course, if it wasn’t there is no sense in making one. Some good plugins and a dev team (tell me if you would like to join) I think of starting it when I get back home as now the internet im on is first heavily filtered I have to find how to get around the system to play minecraft (I had to re-route all connections big mess and hard job. And also I have to use Google translate to go on most webpages I normally use because sadly gaming is filtered. And also news (which is not smart) And on top of that its like 10 kb per sec…. So I really think I should wait for me to get back (in some 2 weeks more) SO this will take a while before it’s done. I will need some help with the settings and plugins some obvious ones will be some to protect your buildings and works World Edit of course and many more I want the community to help drive the server for example saying suggestions and even moderating new people but that’s a subject I have to discuss because sadly this world is full of abusers so before making the server I plan on doing community driven…ill tinker with the options. If you agree with my idea and plans please say so. And if you’re wondering why im doing this the reason is very simple. Be have lost some members and some I beloved because of various reasons like losing perms and not having flexibility. Don’t start a war about this. But ill make some changes so it wont be the clone of EC instead it will be a different experience. And I may make more of this kind of sister-servers like one for FPS fans so it will be a paintball like server or a kind of Counter Strike lets say? Or one in with an exclusively underwater world but that’s in the far future. Please respond to this thread and if you oppose also say it. And if you’re kind enough when it’s up and running tell some of the old lost members if you have contact with them. By the way I will make the current mods the same ranks and ADD some more maybe or ascend them give them moderating perms to some. And Born will be an Owner or Second Owner. Hob will be HeadMod and ill add some…outside people. I will discuss this with some people in these 2 weeks. And rember this may never happen but most probably will.

    #851 Score: 0


    Really now? Wow. That would be a lot of work, But…I understand the fact you want one.And so to say, I actually would like a sister server to EC. 😀 Im glad you decided to plan one.Maybe, If I secretly steal money, xDD, Ill try donating.Other than that, Ill do my best to support the server when im on Minecraft. Good luck, Dopy! 😀

    #864 Score: 0


    Tra 😀 The guys who calls me dopy 😀 Thanks for your response and yeah i know it will be alot of work especially since school is back on….But i can handle it i did it 1 year ago i can now. Thanks for supporting and if you didnt get it also there may be a second sister server 😀

    #867 Score: 0


    LOL, xD Mhhm, And I hope to see progress soon. Have fun! :DD

    #868 Score: 0


    And give me the IP! LOL, I wanna join as well. :)

    #1096 Score: 0


    It will start as separate of EC but if it goes well me and Born will have a agreement ok?

    #1101 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Sorry dude, but my hands are full with EternalCracked. You are gonna have to make this server on your own as I wont be co-owning it, if you manage to bring a good experience and produce a stable and corrupt free server, then we can talk about merging.

    #1109 Score: 0


    Yeah we had the talk in skype i totally understand you’re a grown man too and have a job dont worry (my fonnt is messed up?)

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