Alright, so I’ve had Iron Donor, now, for nearly a month.
It’ll be expiring on the 21st, so I HIGHLY recommend seeking out help (Whether it be building, travel, or any other means of help) from me, tomorrow when you see me, to get the most out of the final day (or so) of my donor.
(Now onto something else)
What did you all think of me being a donor? Helpful? Worthless? (Please don’t think that xD Nobody is truly worthless) Just what? xD
(More of something else)
I honestly don’t know when I’ll be getting donor next (If at all)
(Even MORE of something else)
My birthday is 25th of May, so as I’ve said in a previous post, I may not be on much on that day, so sorry if you don’t see me 😛
Just had to do this last. xD
Early June, now that I think of it, is still quite a while away. (It’s like, 10 days or so away, not too long -_-)
So, I may, JUST may, bring it closer, depending on when I get the money for it.
So, I’ve revealed the fact that there’s the chance of winning Donor, And the 5th place prize. I shan’t reveal the top 2 place prizes until the entire thing is revealed.
(SOOO Sorry for making everyone wait so long ;-; )
“4th Place – 1x Pro4 Kit + 1x God Apples.”
“3rd Place – $500,000 in-game money.”
^ These are, as you can read, the 3rd and 4th place prizes.
I may consider bumping up the prizes for 1st and 2nd places, to make it better. (Since you’ve all waited so long, plus due to what could be called collisions (Gosh I hope you don’t realise what that means xD))
This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by
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