Birthday coming up!


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This topic contains 27 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  2Federal 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #77496 Score: 0


    Hey guys as most of you know because of my trivias that this upcoming birthday of mine will be my 18th birthday! I plan on being online that day and I also plan on throwing a huge party! I’m talking about a massive diamond giveaway! Money giveaway, Item giveaway such as (pro 4 unbreaking 3, donor armor, donor tools and Gapples!) So with this being said I was wondering if anyone wanted to build me a nice big colorful place kind of like /warp rain?! I just need a place where I can host my event and temporarily set up a warp there on my birthday! I will also be doing another high stakes trivia meaning HIGH CASH AMOUNT PRIZES for those of you who want to get rich quick! I WILL pay you for helping me out! Hope I can see you all there!!! My birthday is November 15th! All of this will be taking place in Survival! NOW! In prison I will also be doing a huge giveaway! I will be spending a lot of time stocking up on gold ore and iron ore and will be doing a massive ore giveaway on the same day! Hope to see you all there also! Thanks for being my friends guys! It really means a lot to me! 😀

    #77506 Score: 0

    If you tell me your mail address, I might send you some birthday gifts (including Russian Premium vodka, three pounds of weed, a few grenades, firecrackers, fulminated mercury, an AK-74, a bible, and some nutcrackers).

    #77508 Score: 0


    DONE! xD but I quit weed 2 days ago I’m done for 4 years but I’ll take the vodka, firecrackers, the bible, and some nutcrackers? :O Haha I love my friends :) <3 BTW I don’t think you’ll be able to afford 3 pounds of weed… Like seriously 1 pound is $2600 USD.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Kevin77555.
    #77510 Score: 0


    Il be there to help ya throw a party that day.just tell me what to do a d i will. Contact me o. Skype on November 😀

    #77511 Score: 0


    Dammit i hate typing on my phone. And* skype*

    #77513 Score: 0


    Alright sounds good I’ll start up a HUGE skype conversation so everyone can hear me talking while I’m throwing my party! River count yourself in! Welcome to my birthday party in the future! :)

    #77515 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Ill help throw the party :)?
    I have some diamonds I can giveaway ;);)

    #77516 Score: 0


    Ok cool sounds good!

    #77517 Score: 0


    Send me the list of names and il add to a group

    #77518 Score: 0

    5 pts

    River what’s ur Skype?

    #77519 Score: 0


    Everyone lol! I’m gonna be starting a call with EVERYONE xD anyone who’s online and wants to join the chat will be in the chat!

    #77520 Score: 0


    Banana its RiverRunner600 XD

    #77521 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Added you c:

    #77530 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Kevin . My birthday is 15 th September 😀

    #77534 Score: 0



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)

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