Bit Of Sad News ( For Me )


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This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #14586 Score: 0


    Hello Everybody. as you all may have noticed i have not been as active as usual on the server in the past 3 days. this is due to 2 reasons

    1. Im at school for 6 hours of the day now and no longer on holidays

    2. im meant to be banned from the computer (had to sneak on just to write this)

    -TrialMod PigsWillFly69


    #14596 Score: 0




    #14598 Score: 0

    14 pts

    just to let u know, u can get demoted for unactivity but idk…. sneaking is not a very good thing to do anyways…. u can still run for mod the second time like bender …… just hope u do better in life than minecraft life

    about sneaking issue; LAWL if u get caught u are busted lol

    #14619 Score: 0


    Not really wither, Mods are only demoted if they leave with no explanation


    #14620 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Bender got demode O.o

    #14621 Score: 0


    Not for inactivity.. I suggest you don’t talk as you don’t know what your talking about

    #14622 Score: 0


    wither, bender (as far as i know) was not demoted for inactivity. christ went on holiday and was demoted. i highly doubt i will be demoted because im going approx 2 weeks without being active. plus i still go online in the morning for an hour and have a chat with nhu. also wither as zac said if you dont know the whole story, best just stay out of it. no offence

    #14623 Score: 0


    My turn.

    Where exactly do you base your information from Wither? Tell me. You are very wrong, Mods don’t get demoted for telling upper staff the truth and giving an explanation. I have no idea how you provide false information and mislead us, please know what your talking about first.

    I personally am sad to see less of a very bright and friendly character of EC. He was such a good friend to me, never questioned me, we always helped each other out and talked day and night. I am going to miss Pigs, even if it’s 2 weeks. Really hope you can make it back. Well I solute you PigsWillFly69, good luck with school and getting an unban from the computer you play from.

    -Toblerone007 Out

    #14626 Score: 0


    PIGS i am truly sad as this guy has always helped me and we are really good friends just to let u know i will not be on as much but of course no one will care .\


    #14634 Score: 0


    1. in my last comment i said christ was demoted, was meant to be a ‘not’ in there.

    2. toblerone and apeman3000 i will also miss the both of you in these upcoming weeks. i am still going to try to reduce my sentence but i fear i will make it worse

    3.  wither if i was caught, im grounded from comp for 6months so im making a big risk here LAWL

    #17233 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    Pigs, please don’t be on your comp unless you know you’re safe to do so, and about what people were saying before, Bender got demoted as he asked to, not because of inactivity, Bender asked to be demoted as he was gone from the server for quite a bit…

    Anyway, back to this, Byee Piggseh, and try not to make it worse or I’ll eat ya for my grub tonight XD Buh-Byee ;3

    #17234 Score: 0


    This was 1 month ago mega -_-


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