blazeraid being mean / donor frauded
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This topic contains 17 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by Reaperr_ 11 years, 2 months ago.
On to the donor fraud thing:
Well I Saw SquirtleTriesMC got donor.I said “Did you buy donor?”.He Replied “my friend gave me donor”. So i asked him who was it.He replied “blazeraid gave it to me.”. I replied “Did you ask him”? then he said he asked but squirtle said no but blazeraid still did it.Im not sure , this is what squirlte said.A HeadMod please check logs.
i asked blazeraid “why did you give Squirtle donor?” then this blazeraid said in the picutre “who cares its christmas idiot hes my friend” as you can see in the picutre.
Please , A HeadMod or Born please check logs.
I dont think Squirtle should be banned , im thinkng blazeraid should be
P.S This maybe not true , maybe Squirtle actually bought donor himself
This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by
FirePower90. Reason: Chaning response: adding P.s
How is that donor fraud?
1. Get your facts straight. Im confused about reading this topic.
2. Do you have screenshots of what Squirtle said? You should have started out with saying that Squirtle was banned for Donor Fraud. Correct me if Im wrong.
3. Your image above is kinda irrelevant. It DOn’t show your question that you add. Logs are not that easy to find…. cough cough after like weeks it’s ever harder to search and it lags when searching.
I agree every single point (I would’ve put some better grammar 😐 ) with Wither. But, I’ll correct him: Squirtle didn’t got banned for donor fraud..
Don’t be a grammar nazi… I tried my best 😀
So what happend to squirtle?
I don’t think it is. Maybe blaze asked Squirtle if he wants to have a donor rank because it is his friend. That is not really disrespectful though, you were asking an unnecessary question and I think he felt disturbed, but you went “fighting back” by the last message of that screenshot.
See, this is how many people create arguments.
If this ends up to an arguement…I would lock this topic..
well the are friends so I dont see any donor frawd here
Hey, I donated to a friend of mine in the server and that isnt a bad thing, the only reason that blazeraid said idiot was because u kept asking him who gave Squirtle donor but blaze says it was from him, and then he replies that its the christmas because he is doing that christmas thingy a bob, and then u report him for calling u an idiot? I dont think idiot is rude, because if u pvp, u call people noob, so its basically its the same thing.
“Squirtle didn’t got banned for donor fraud”
Squirtle didn’t “get” banned for donor fraud.
Well,my work here is done.
OMG.. I swear I’ll never do it again D:
Grammar Nazi appreciates your colaboration 😀
This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by
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